Friday, February 27, 2009
A Grey Day ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Completing todays plan
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Are results guaranteed?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Two hour Tuesday...
Monday, February 23, 2009
A funny thing happened at the gym last week...
I did have a funny thing happen last week at the gym, but wasn't sure if I should share the story here. I've shared it with three others and they all said I should, so please don't read further if stories of flatulence are offensive or rude to you.

I put a picture of garlic here as they are usually a daily food for me. As are onion, spinach and some other regulars on my dietary list. Just as I have a tendency to not stop with chocolate, so I have the same tendency with garlics. If I roast 20 cloves in a pan with olive oil - I will often find myself eating all of them. (I'm told I often smell like garlic, but am unable to notice it myself.)
So, here's my funny story: I was at the gym last Wednesday and was running on the treadmill. I was working pretty hard and the gym was full, or at least the treadmills were all being used. The first one that was open when I came in (mind you this is 5:10 in the morning) was down a fair bit, and had a row if different type of exercise machines behind the treadmills. So, I had people on both sides and behind me. During my run the person on my left left and another showed up. The way I noticed this was the smell of rubbing alcohol. As I looked over I watched her meticulously clean every surface of the treadmill: the rails, the front panel, the top, the rails again...it was a bit overboard. Here I was sweating and flinging sweat off my arms onto the panel. (One of the benefits that I enjoy of being healthy is the ability to sweat well. Now my sweat doesn't typically stink sense I've been juicing and have removed certain foods from my routine.) So I'm running, drinking some out of my water bottle and using my rag to wipe my face and arms while I run. After my distance was reached, I backed down the speed to a recovery walk and was walking when it happened. I couldn't really help it. I was having some very strong odorous flatulence - but thankfully their delivery was silent. Shortly after the 'accident' I could sense it's presence - then I saw the rubbing alcohol lady next to me sense it's presence ... by taking her rag and covering her nose and mouth. Not just briefly but for a loooong time... maybe 15 seconds, maybe more, I was too embarrassed to use my peripheral vision to look. I was torn: embarrassed on the outside and rolling hysterically on the floor laughing on the inside!!
So, if you like your garlic as I do...know there are consequences!
I like Mondays!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Today was, in a word..."Windy!"
Friday, February 20, 2009
I like Fridays ...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Unexceptional-with one exception...
Training today was unexceptional - with the exception of actually training today...!

(I could have been sleeping like my dog.)
The alarm went off at 4:40 AM and I was awoken in that first minute (no 7 minute wake up period today). Rather than get up right a way, I knew I had some extra time (only 60 minute bike ride and ~30 minutes of weights) in the schedule, so I choose to "relax" and enjoy the warmth and quite for another 30 minutes..5:10, now time was short and my time with the weights would have to give up the difference. I started on the bike for an hour with a mixture of intense and light times. The intense times were periods (1-5 minutes) of high cadence (100-130+) and the light being easy recovery pedaling. When it was all said and done, the avg pace over the 60 minutes was 21.8 mph. (The replacement resistance unit in my trainer worked great again today-woo hoo!) After 60 minutes of riding and a few minutes to rest and change, I had about 20 minutes for weights. So, I just did my warm-ups followed by bench presses and pull-ups.
There are 23 more days until the Triathlon (Tri) and 79 days until the 6 Day Ride (Going the Distance). Tomorrow will be my 3rd Friday of run and swim before breakfast, and then a group ride at lunch. It is the midpoint of Fridays until the Tri event. Twenty five more days and I plan to be back to focusing on the Bike event: planning on dropping the running and swimming. Not exactly sure what that will look like yet, but expect it to include more rides outside, back-to-back 50's, and a couple of 100 mile rides for fun. (I found out that the blood that I donated had a cholesterol level of 171-down 8 from my last donation in Nov. :-)
Not sure what the pearls of wisdom are to pull from my training today: just periods of head-down eyes-closed focused effort to just go another 30 seconds, another 10, another 5, ... OK rest ... or pushing for just 1 more repetition. It was mostly a time of work and discipline. With most of my enjoyment coming in spurts after each little extra effort and lastly when I had finished. It wasn't a real hard work out, but on a day that I was enjoying just laying in bed, that could have very easily been a "dog day" - it was indeed a Good work out - today's best!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Today: Another page in a growing book.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Two Hour Tuesday...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Following the 'Chart' or giving my Best ...?

Saturday, February 14, 2009
7 Challenges in one ride

Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday ... all three activities before lunch
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What a Sunrise

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Running and swimming
The time in the pool was doing balancing drills: learning to balance myself in the water; face down and face up. I also did some swimming, but not to much. After a single distance of 25 meters I would take a short rest before returning the next length doing the balancing drills. It's a slow process, but I'm hopeful that 9 more visits will be enough to see me through the 300 meters of the upcoming Tri.
That's the extent of my planned exercise for today .. not to hard of a day.