Monday, February 23, 2009

I like Mondays!

Last night I was able to be in bed before 10 and sleeping not much later. I checked my Oxygen and HR as is my custom once I settle down at the end of my days. My HR was 5 to 10 beats lower last night then it's been for a while.  I take that as a positive thing: I'm not over training, my body is resting, I'm not sick, ... many good things going on. It's normally something like 95/55 (O2/HR), but last night it was in the mid 40's.  I will also hold my breath for  30 to 60 seconds and watch how the HR and O2 interact: I know what is normal for me, how they play off of each other, but last night I saw a low HR of 35 - again ~5 beats lower than normal. I think the 4 hr ride on Sat was a factor as well as not eating Sunday night after 6 PM. I'll keep an eye on things but I'm encouraged.

Having a good nights rest, and a slightly modified routine for today, I was ready and waiting for the alarm to go off so I could get up this morning at what has become my normal time of 4:40 AM. (I never would have thought that would be my regular wake up time.) The modification to my routine is an additional 15 minutes on the trainer - 75 minutes today; afterwards would be a condensed time with the weights. I continued listening to the audio book "Walking with God" this morning and would recommend it. The time on the bike didn't go by quickly - until it was over, and I was surprised by how quickly it had gone...! Even with the reduced emphasis on the weights, I was able to see some progress - which is encouraging.

On the way in from the garage the sunrise was spectacular again. It seems fitting for this morning. I have high expectations for this day and week. I passed through the house and grabbed my camera to capture the sunrise. It is indeed very nice. But to my surprise, spectacular has become common with sunrises. I still appreciate it and am enjoying it, but think that it needs a twist for the morning photo - so I took some pictures of it as it's reflected in a car A Great start to a Great Day!  

1 comment:

  1. I love the sunset picture! sunset pictures are quite common, but that one is unique because of the window reflection distorting the shape.
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