I started with taking off my narrow saddle and putting the $20 saddle from WalMart that was on my MTB onto my road bike. It looks a little out of place, but last year I rode my MTB with that saddle a fair bit; so I think it's a good interim saddle while I choose a replacement. So rather than get a ride in, I spent a good amount of time re-adjusting my saddle position (fore/aft and height). It was surprising to me how it felt so different; not just the saddle but the whole bike fit.

The Dr. visit: hmmm...I have a small growth or something that I've had for years but it's never concerned me before: early this week it started hurting and was larger, so I went to my Dr. to have it checked out. I have a referral to see a specialist and will call this next week to make an appointment. Enough said here.
Shortly after getting home we headed to the Science Museum with a car full. (Some of the photos are from the time there. The lizard one is very cool! It's a quilt!) The afternoon was spent there mostly walking around in the museum's. When we were done we let the kids play around the pond; ending with two of the kids falling into the pond...what a surprise that was-Not. : )

Then we ended the day with our first Softball game. That is always fun and this year we have several that haven't played with us before. It's fun to play sports with other guys as you can learn a good bit about someones character during the heat of battle of a sporting activity!

We lost, but we didn't get run-ruled (where the other team is winning by so many runs during the game that they call it early). Being run-ruled is a terrible way to end a softball game. Nobody got hurt, we had a ton of fans cheering and it was a good performance for a first game.
We got home after 10 PM, but with just the three of us-we made popcorn and watched a movie. It was a late night but nice to be free.

Sat-I'm aiming for a long ride out side, it's been 3 weeks since my last ride that wasn't on my trainer...
(I'm the one taking the photo, my wife is the one with the "Green Nose"! Why is her nose so cool, when my whole face is not??)
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