The last three days have been a
blur: ride, prep for Sunday, table at church, boxing bike, boxing bike more, more running around, work, ... lots to do and lots done.

Saturday: Ride - I was able to get out before 9 AM and ride the 46 mi loop before the hard rains came. There were some periods of heavy misting, but it never got dangerous. I had figured that would be my last ride before sending my bike on to JAARS - which it was. The
numbers get lost as the days pass, but I do remember the avg being right at 19 mph - with a lighter than normal wind. I didn't ride with anyone as I only saw other riders but none were going my way. That put my total miles for last week down to ~160.

Sunday: I was allowed to put up a table at church to display and promote the
missions trip that I'm going on this week!! (I leave in less than 3 days and Day one of the ride is in ~4 days!) [
See the attached photo of the display table.] During the main service I was able to give an announcement about the trip: that was fun. I wore the Jersey and put my flashing blinky light on my back. I could hear people snickering as I walked up to the front from the back. After sharing briefly about this missions trip and how I think that God has suited me for it and where the funds that we raise are going - my
blinky and the jersey went back to the table so I could talk with people after church. It was very encouraging to see the support for this trip and the emotional support and encouragement of me personally.

One of the items on the table was a pledge form and many people talked with me and wrote on the pledge form: some giving a flat amount, others pledging
per mile, and another pledging a large gift whose full amount is yet to be determined... :-) It's neat to be a part of peoples excitement in giving! Imagine what it would be like to only be able to read your Bible in French, or German, or Spanish - instead of the language that communicates at your heart language. I'm getting more and more excited and have a greater sense of the unknown of this trip: it's going to be a life impacting experience!

Later Sunday evening I started the process of boxing my bike: taking my bike apart, cleaning it and getting it to fit in a bike box. At 12
midnight I had done all I could - it was clear that the box was to small. This was my 3rd box and I needed another. A little disappointing as I was wanting to ship it out first thing Monday morning so it would arrive in Waxhaw Thursday evening - as I am.
Monday: The bike shops opened at 10, so after a few phone calls I found another box; which was located at a bike store East of downtown (~25 miles away). After going and getting this 4th box, I spent the next 3 hrs finishing the task of packing the bike and bike components into the box. [
See the photos.] It's a relief that it's gone and done so I can work on the other things that still need to be done before I leave. After this blog entry, the next highest priority is to
communicate to my family and friends that I only interact with via email. My hope is to send those out tonight.
I don't have a lot to report on Health and Nutrition for the last 3 days. This is my 'taper' week - even more than last week. I'd like to either ride my MTB or go for a run tomorrow.
Are there any questions that you have for me? Exercise, nutrition, the upcoming ride, ...?
I'm so excited for you! This ride is going to be sweet! I can't wait to hear all about what God teaches you through it and the powerful ways that he uses you for his purposes. Blessings.