Saturdays ride was different from other normal training rides: over half of my normal route was being used by a formal ride. I didn't stop at any of the rest stops, but I did get the benefit of the officers directing traffic at many intersections and there were lots of other cyclists on the road - much more than normal. [
The photo is of one of the cyclists that I talked with briefly.]

I've been trying to keep better track of what I'm eating and when and how it's affecting me. This has been a little tough as the thoughts and feelings get lost from the time on the bike to getting in my blog, so many of the details get foggy or forgotten. I will give what I have for my routine that morning and a little after the ride too - as it was another day that I layed down for quite some time before throwing up and finally feeling better. It was only 57 miles - but I couldn't have gone much further. I came hope feeling bloated and my stomach swashing with water but still very thirsty. It was hotter, so I may have to still figure out some type of drink in addition to the energy eats.
Sat Morning:
- up at 7:30, bm
- 7:40 protein drink: water, olive oil, whey protein, ground almonds
- filled CamelBak with ice and water (70 oz)
- packing camera, phone, 2nd timer, gu, shots, clif bar
- 8:05 bm, getting dressed, sun screen application, HRM, cup of water and morning vitamins / supplements
- 8:23 final preps out front and on the road at 8:29
- 8:50 I was starting to feel a bit tired, so I ate a Clif Shot chew
- 9:10 I had a Strawberry-Banana GU
- 10:13 I had a Clif Shot chew
- 10:45 I had a Clif Shot chew
- 11:02 I had a Clif Shot chew
- 11:32 1/3 Clif bar
- ~11:48 back home, off the bike and layed down in the grass in the shade out front for a minute
- over the next few hours was laying down various places trying to feel better, drinking more water wasn't helping, nor was eating anything
- I had a cramp in my right foot which trying to rub out caused another cram in my thigh: several leg muscles in both legs were threatning cramps at this point
- 1:49 I threw up (not self induced)
- 2:30 I was finally up and able to do things but still was a little queasy
It took 2 1/2 hrs to recover and my body had to empty it's stomach to do so. Last Saturday was a very short recovery and then I went out and worked in the yard. I followed much of the same routine, but I did get out a bit earlier last week and I didn't quite ride as hard last week. It's just really hard to say what all the differences were that had any bearing on the ride.
Saturdays ride was at a good pace as I tend to ride harder with others around - especially when I can see them up the road. It's kind of a goal to push to catch them. I probably passed 30 other riders. Not that it's important, but it's more of a confession: I like to ride hard as my goal is to improve - to ride further faster. After that ride, I don't think I could even ride 100 miles at a hard pace. Ride details: 3:18:21 for 57.3 miles avg 17.3, 151 hr, max 43.8, 178 hr.
Trying to figure this out can be a bit overwhelming due to all the variables: meals the day before, sleep the night before, hydration the day before, breakfast before the ride, conditions of the ride (heat, wind, humidity), effort, group dynamics, ... I'm not sure I'll ever figure it out, or it's likely not before the Waco ride.