You never know what the dam will be like:
- some days it seems like the wind is coming from all directions except the one you are currently going
- I've ridden through a swarm of bees: I mean thousands of them
- there are often Nat's and other bugs in the summer months
- people out there testing wireless phones
- dogs, kids, runners, skaters, walkers, road runners, coyote's, all kinds of birds
- it's a place of great diversity: but the one thing that you are always safe from is vehicles!
Group Ride Info: this ride was like the others for the most part - fast, challenging and always spent by the end of the group portion and have to limp back the last 8 afterwards. It was 48 miles total with ~ 8 miles each way to the meeting place. The total time was 2:35, avg speed 18.5, Max speed 42.4 (back on Valley View), Avg HR 156 and Max HR 184. It took 4:53 up TX Plume the first time and then 9:42 to go back Lake Ridge and do TX Plume the second time. The return trip with 3 others over the lake to the meeting place avg'd ~ 24 mph for 3.9 miles. Not to far - but challenging just the same.
All the numbers aside - it was a challenging ride. I did use a 'GU' after the second trip up TX Plume - just shy of an hour of riding. About 20 minutes later I had one of the 'chews'. I then tried to have a chew roughly every 20 minutes (as suggested on the packaging) 4 more in total.
What I'm learning as I've used 'GU' and chews twice now is that it's not a replacement for hard training. Meaning: you aren't going to be stronger or faster just because you are using these energy foods during an activity. If you want to ride stronger and faster - then you have to train to do so. This is just a tool and complement to a good training program.
The benefits that I'm seeing are:
- I am coming home tired, but am recovering much quicker once I rest for a bit at home
- I don't feel like I'm as 'dead' during the ride after the 90 minute mark
- I'm not having the upset stomach that I will often get from the sports drinks (although the Chews are pretty sweet and I may have to alternate with something else)
- I think I'm able to train harder physically which is what is needed with the goal of improving
I will continue trying them out. Performance Bikes had a good sale so I've got a few boxes of different flavors to try out as well as a box of chews and some boxes of Clif bars too ... lots to try and find what works for me.
Why do I train? I guess I'm not sure of everyones reasons, but mine are to improve and accomplish a goal that I've set for my self. Earlier this year it was the 6 day 600 mile ride. Now it's aiming for a sub 5 hr century ride in 8 weeks. My time on the bike is limited so it's important to work with purpose and intensity when I am riding. (After the ride in Sept I'm thinking about a marathon - something I've not done yet...) (Just the short answer tonight as it's after 11 and I need to get up early for a sustained effort high cadence workout in the morning.)
[The photo is of my forehead with all the Nats that got stuck to me on the final dam crossing.]
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