It was just Sunday morning when she was taken to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. In less than four days her kidneys stopped functioning, she wasn't able to eat, problems breathing, couldn't communicate very well and other issues. I encouraged my Mom to go home and get some rest in her own bed last night as she had been staying up there since Sunday. So after she left I stayed in the room for a while thinking of Grandma and child hood memories. I also said my good byes and talked to her before I left (even though she was unresponsive - sleeping probably due to her pain medicine). My brother and I prayed independantly for healing or a soon departure - and eight hours later she was gone.
There's no way to summarize all that my Grandma did, no way to list the things that made her life valuable, so I don't want to try. But, rather, I have many good memories of times with my Grandparents and I Know that my life today is in part a result of my Grandma. She could be hard and stubborn at times - but someone who has lived as long as she has and seen the changes that have happened during her life time: she needs to be given some slack.
I expect the days ahead to have more times of reflection on my Grandma...
She sounds like an awesome woman and a wonderful grandma. I'll be praying for you and your family.