Thursday, May 27, 2010

Intervals ...

When I'm lucky, I've been riding once a week; usually Thursdays. Today, no one else was riding with me, so it was a good day to do some interval training. For some reason, most people don't like to train with intervals: I know they can hurt, but they can also bear so much fruit; so they're worth the pain.

The intervals were done over 8 miles: out and back across the dam. Since I'm out of practice, I opted for an easier interval: 30 seconds hard - 60 seconds recovery (easy spinning). The total time was 24:28 with an avg speed of 19.4 mph (149 hr) and mx of 28.1 mph (165 hr). The hard time was 8:55 for 3.26 miles. The total number of intervals was 16 (hard and recovery).

I seem to be going through one of those "always hungry" phases again .. yikes!! So, I just finished a Vanilla yogurt and will go brush my teeth for the second and last time tonight. (Usually brushing my teeth is a reminder that my mouth is 'closed' for the rest of the evening, but tonight .. not so.) Other wise the eating has been good nutritionally, just lots of it.

Strength Training

Kind of plateaued here .. but that will change soon when I start incorporating more CrossFit type of workouts in a couple weeks. So, I'm kind of in a maintenance mode with the disciplines and routine right now. And I'm OK with that. Trying to increase the activity level a little with out getting injured.

That's all for now... don't forget to add those Interval sessions in you weekly routines. If you want to see some serious improvements that is ... :-)


  1. Good job! I chuckeled about the mouth closed after brushing!

  2. Yep .. you've got to know where your own battles are and take up lines there. Brushing my teeth early has been a help for me over the years. Just as "NOT" buying things that I don't want to eat helps me to not have the struggle with not eating them once they are in with in arm's reach.


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