To my surprise, I've started enjoying playing golf; and I'd say there is a 'acceleration' of the enjoyment as apposed to a 'velocity' of enjoyment - after just finishing helping my 9th grader with her Physics. I've played in the past maybe 20 yrs ago, but have never had lessons and honestly was bored before being finished. Now that my son-in-law plays and I participate in an annual fund raising tournament .. I'm starting to enjoy it.

Just a couple days ago I had watched an online video with the long ball hitters - so what do I do, I go out back and see what I can apply to my swing. So with out hitting a ball, I am just swining my 3 wood (Knight Billy Clug BC-2Ti) and it feels like I'm able to incorporate some changes to my swing. After about 5 minutes, I make a swing and the club flew out of my hands in my follow through. The instant I felt it gone from my hands I began to panic. I could imagine the club could go a very long ways and break something or hurt someone as it came down. The next sound I heard was crashing in the tree to my left. I looked up in time to see two pieces falling to the ground.
What a
disappointment! My clubs are all garage sale and throw always. I only recently removed the piece of paper with $3 on it from the top of this club .. this was my favorite club: one that I wasn't affraid to hit of of a tee of from the fairway. On my last outing with my son-in-law, this club was my second hit on a long par 5 that put me on the green and gave me an opportunity to putt for my first Eagle (which I missed - barely) and settled for a Birdie.
I've looked for a replacement, but only one is available on ebay, and it's kind of pricey .. so I will consider a more current club to replace it.

I have ordered a new driver to me - a 2009 Taylormade R9 460. It should be coming this week and I'm really looking forward to hitting it. It will be my first driver. The last year I've been borrowing my son-in-laws old one since he got a new one for Christmas. And with it I've finally started to be able to hit it. In the past I would tee off with my 1 iron rather than face the slice of my driver, or topping it and having to hit it again just 20 yds from where I started.
I am looking for a 3 wood, and the review on the R9 are good, so I will try to replace my favorite club with what I hope will be a new favorite.
Golf can be an enjoyable game, or so I'm coming to believe. I'm finding myself out back practicing my chipping. I have a
spot where I've scraped off the grass with my 10 iron as I try to chip the
ball into a metal trashcan 30 yds away. I still haven't made it in, but
have been soooo close and am putting a bunch within 6 ft of it - it's
Note to self:
- when you get pumped up watching others hit the ball over 300 yds and want to do the same: put your glove on and make sure you aren't so loosely holding the club that it fly's from your hands
- be patient with your swing: work on the short irons and the long ones will follow
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