Saturday, October 17, 2009

A couple Cool Mystery shots..

These are some 'snippets' of photos that I took today. They have not been touched up or altered in any way. They are zoomed in parts of a larger photos.

Can you tell what they are? Any of them? Any idea of the scale?

(My compliments again to my Canon PowerShot A710 for such clear Macro shots that allow me to zoom in to such detail with clarity.)


  1. The top left one looks like bubbles atop a boiling pot of spaghetting or green beans, but I can't imagine it being those, since the other pictures seem to be related but don't fit my description.

    -Benjamin H.-

  2. Mystery photos... my favorite!!

    Looks like a water droplet off a blade of grass, too late in the year to be tadpoles!

    Yellowish photo looks like a zoom on some chicken noodle soup.

    Photo at bottom is zoom from sweat drops from your training!

  3. That's Funny!!

    The first two are water droplets - but when I show the main photo I think you'll be surprised at how small those drops are, AND where they are. Any thoughts?

    The yellow one is not chicken noodle soup.

    The bottom one is not sweat from my training.


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