A new oil well area has gone up on along my route. And this isn't out in the middle of nowhere - there are houses with in a stones throw from it.
Two coyotes at a local park surrounded by homes.

More amazing clouds.

One night the sky was yellow - it was very strange.

Lunch today (onion, garlic, orange bell pepper, carrot, spinach, chicken, yellow mustard seeds, crasins and olive oil).
More amazing clouds.
One night the sky was yellow - it was very strange.
Lunch today (onion, garlic, orange bell pepper, carrot, spinach, chicken, yellow mustard seeds, crasins and olive oil).
Last Friday was touring a local Steel company. My oldest son was able to join me and it was very interesting and cool to see what they can do with all that metal. Amazing! If I didn't have a problem with clutter, I would have brought home a piece of the 2 inch thick plate in the scrap bucket - there's just something that makes you say 'wow' when you see metal that thick. It was GREAT! Then it was to Fort Worth and the Petroleum Club for lunch buffet. What a spectacular view from the top floor (unfortunately I left my camera behind). The food was good - deserts were very good and the visiting was the best of all. It was a Great time. Thanks D.
I can't remember doing any formal exercise Friday - and the eating was out the window with the three different deserts at lunch: key lime pie, chocolate moose cake and some kind of chocolate chip something ... yummy!
Saturday (Exercise) was the 46 mile route. It was nice to do that again. I was a bit tired though as I've not been training very much lately. The TT across the dam on the return was 30.8 avg mph, 111 avg cadence for .59 miles: not to bad since the wind wasn't as strong as I've enjoyed in the past. The avg for the whole ride was 18.1 mph. I saw two coyotes in a park on my ride. I also saw numerous ran over snakes on the road (like 6 or more).
Today, Monday (exercise) was at the Dam mostly as I meet R. there to ride with him as he is doing the Time Trial on Friday. I've been nervous all day about doing this ride as sustained intensity wears me out. With the wind and heat today we had an avg of 20.4 for the 8 miles and a avg HR of 159. But, we did it together and we both finished. On the way home I went by Prayer Mountain and rode the drive way 6 times (not up to doing 10 as I had wanted). It's not very long (.17 miles), but it has a short steep part and constant grade: my best time was 70 seconds. At the dam I saw this pair of Road Runners. I also took some pictures at Prayer Mountain.
That lunch was good ;)