You know your schedule is full when you start breakfast and lunch meetings .. to full. So it was today: breakfast, lunch and evening. And I'm trying to pull back and saying no so much it seems like it's all I say. [Photo is of lunch that I fixed for a lunch meeting with Brian.]

Today started with a run with Wes. He pushed me a bit, so it was a good work out. The mile loop was 6:37 - something I haven't run by myself for many months. The max HR was 179 and the time was ~56 minutes and the distance is about 7 1/4 miles. It was good for me. The run was another mental challenge towards the end. I'm not sure why everything is becoming so difficult mentally for me - but I'm trying to listen and even being open to cutting back further if that is what is needed. (
Tomorrow I'm hoping to ride with the 'killer' group again as I did last Tuesday. This time I'll start at the end of the pack - saving everything for the hills and not pulling any on the way there.)
After the run I was able to make a regular morning smoothie for the both of us (and wife and kids too).

I also noticed this morning that my Garmin Forerunner 305 had come unglued. This is the same problem that I had with my original unit that was replaced with another unit. The replaced unit only had a 90 day warranty. It has now also come unglued and I'm still interacting with Garmin support in hopes that they will do more than the minimum ($87+tax for another re manufactured unit). I had a Cateye product fail with a manufacturer issue and it was replaced out of warranty by a brand new item. We'll see what Garmin will do - I may be looking for a different product and manufacturer.
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