Exercise today was good - not exactly as I was hoping, but close enough. My alarm went off as expected, but I turned it off and stayed in bed. I did eventually get up and use the weights for the first time in 4 months though - that was nice. It was actually kind of fun and I've missed doing it. My plan is to start M-F with different weight routines again. Today was chest and triceps (mostly).
I was also wanting to run some intervals this morning - but ended up doing them this evening after work instead. I'm starting off easy by just running a fast (80-100% effort) straight for each lap around the track at the school: tonight it was 10 laps.
Tomorrow will be weights first thing (back and biceps mostly) then a bike ride. Not sure what type of ride yet, but I need to ride further than the last rides of ~15 miles. If I can get out early enough I'd like to do the 45 mi loop - but we'll just see what time I get to bed and fall a sleep.
Nutrition was good except for the M&M's. We are out of spinach though and I noticed it at all three meals as I would have had some with each (in my smoothie, in my stir fry, on my turkey burger).
The following photos are of my Basal Cell Carcinoma on the right side of my forehead. It's been getting a lot of questions lately. Most people are assuming that it's the result of an accident on my bike - it's not. The last person I told it was skin cancer being treated just laughed and thought I was kidding...until someone else confirmed it was as I said. It's kind of gross - people look at it a lot - probably give me some distance too...
The area taken today (~6 weeks of Aldara treatments later).
Also taken today - just further away to give a broader view of the area.
I'm still floundering a bit as I desire to have balance in my life and maintain a training schedule that puts other things out of balance ...
I know this isn't what is meant by an extreme life:
-Having balance in all areas while maintaining excessive training;
-Making good nutritional decisions and eating M&M's out of a bowl with a fork;
-Getting up early to exercise and going to bed late;
-and on it goes...
But, Life is still amazing. Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.
Most people would throw away soggy M&M's but not a chocolate addict. Personaly if I'm going to indulge I'm going to make the calories worth it and eat See's or at least make it dark Chocolate so I can justify it as being good for me.