On weeks where I miss my Monday ride, I tend to get a little anxious by the time the Tuesday evening group ride comes around. Not so much nervous about the ride - but maybe more not getting the exercise and having the
benefit of it in my body, thoughts, attitude, ... etc.
I was a little late starting - getting out the door last night. So I wasn't able to have a leisurely warm up riding to the starting point, but instead had to push a little bit to make sure I didn't get left. The warm up and cool down portions are just a tad under 8 miles. Last night it took 23 and a half minutes to get there (20 mph avg).

[Photo: HR graph for the Group ride portion.]
The ride: there was some talking about the
HHH that happened this past Sat as some of the riders raced it. There was the normal light socializing on the way out before getting to the start of the hills on Lake Ridge Pkwy.
Today found me up front at that point - so I rode the lead for that portion and the start of
TX Plume. (
There are many that go up the hills faster than me, so it's just a matter of time until riders start coming past.) That road has some ups and levels and then downs too. So, for me, I tend to practice '
active' recovery and I'll often catch and pass those better hill climbers on the flats or downs to be caught again going up the ups. Today I threw my chain as I was passing, so I had to pull to the side to put it on and then start up again - dead last.
I was thinking, "OK - another lesson on pride or humility. I guess I'm ready." Then at the top of the road, there was a group waiting. I was thinking, "Wow, that's nice, they waited for me." But, no, actually someone (Arthur) slipped in some gravel and went down. Not to bad, but there was some road rash on the arm and the rest only a nights sleep would revel. A few minutes more and we all took off together. This would be my riding group for the rest of the evening. We did TX plume again and then on to Valley View (VV) twice. By the second time on VV we were catching other riders, so our group was adjusting a little and Arthur headed home early - good choice.
The last 5 miles: this includes the part of Lake Ridge Pkwy that goes around the lake and the final (sprint) bridge - finish, was fast. Once we turned a couple of the guys took off in a hurry. The guy behind me said he didn't see that coming to which I said not to worry - we'd catch'em soon. So I led the pursuit pack as we rode in the upper-mid twenties (25-27) until we had reeled them back in (about a mile or little less). It was then a quick rotating pace line to the bridge with a few riders trying to drop the group again. We also caught another solo rider along the way before the bridge finish and had dropped a couple as well.
The bridge finish: I have no patience: if I'm feeling good - then I want to ride fast. When we hit the bridge, I was third in line. We were going in the low 20's and I tried, I really tried to sit tight and wait (I know I can't give maximum effort for the entire length of the bridge (yet :-), so I was trying to wait before taking off. But, no one else was making a move, so I did. My avg speed for that section was 30.7 and a max of 31.5: AHR 179 and MHR 188. Just like last week, right at the end where I was spent and starting to drop off the pace, two riders slipped past me. They were likely enjoying my playing windshield and once I started to falter - jumped out for the pass. It's amazing how hard it is for me to wait - even knowing I can't make it the whole way. This time I didn't go for max speed but was thinking maybe I can sustain a slightly lower intensity the whole distance, but Not tonight. I guess next week I'll have to try a different strategy .. maybe even wait .. nah.
All in all - it sure is a lot of fun. Yes it's hard work. Yes the heart is pumping hard. Yes I'm impatient. Yes I keep getting passed at the end. Yes. Yes. Yes. I look forward to more beatings next week! :-)
Numbers: 32 miles group ride portion, 1:40 time, 19.2 avg, 42.5 max, AHR 154, MHR 188. ~8 miles for the warm up and cool down.
Energy wise I tried an Accel Gel instead of my GU and I think I like it better. It has a different consistency that I like less, but I think the protein helped on my ride. Normally I'd have to eat part of a clif bar for the protein, so it was nice to get it all in one pack. I also drank water and had 3 clif shot chews. And, I was not totally zonkered when I got home.
Then at 9:44 after cleaning up, eating, praying with the younger kids and making a small care package for my Mom, I was in the car and heading off to check on my Grandma who fell today and was in the hospital to be observed. Mom was there and had been with her all afternoon and was staying the night too. Grandma's doing OK. But is having some problems walking, so that will be checked out over the next couple days. 11:34 I was pulling in the drive way again - tired and ready to go to sleep.
And there ends another full day... I'm still thankful to be alive.