Today (Th): I haven't run for a week or more now, so I planned on running during lunch (and sleeping in the AM). It was cool and only a slight breeze from the North. I ran my normal route of just under 5 miles (4.7 according to my Garmin 305).
Numbers: the run was 4.7 miles, 36:40 time, AHR 152, MHR 178, APace 7:49/mi. My goal was to average 8 minute miles - so I was pleased with today's run. I did get a blister on the heal of my right foot, so I'll have to wear some band aids or something to protect it for the next few weeks while it heals.
I checked out a book from the library recently and it is helping to motivate me in my running. It's called "Breakthrough Running". Much of it's content is familiar to me, but forgotten. The reading is fueling my training: reading of the value of rest, active recovery (something I did on the bike), longer runs and different types of speed work. It was very nice to have a good time running today.
I also found a pair of running tights tonight at Ross as I was looking for a running headband for my wife who has cold ears during her morning outings. (All my headbands are too large ... imaging that?!) I stumbled across the tights for $7 - even I couldn't baulk at that price: so I bought two for me and one for my oldest son. It was something that I recently was wanting so I think it's neat that God provided it at a great value. Now I just have to get to a point where I can wear them in public ... with out having my face covered.
It's almost 11 again and I am wanting to get up before 6 to ride in the AM tomorrow. So that's all for now. Nutrition is better now that the ice cream and cookie dough are all gone.
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