Breakfast Juice: sweet potato, 1 green apple, 2 small pears, small portion of yellow squash, carrots and 2 portions of spinach. With all the spinach - this was a drink that was nutritionally sound, but not super good tasting. Green drinks tend to be, well, they taste healthy. I made the drink and then added some filtered water and ice and vacuum sealed it and took it to work with me.
Before I left the house I had a little apple cider vinegar (ACV) with olive oil and filtered water. Then I washed that down with a serving of psylium husks in water and olive oil. The ACV is to help with pH and the psylium husks are to help clean my colon.

Lunch Juice: carrots, 1 red apple, 1 green apple, 1 small pear, 1/2 of a beat and sweet potato (no green for lunch).
The beats and carrots were the dominate flavors of this drink. The beat is good for the liver - which is going to be working harder as the body has a rest from digestion and can work on house cleaning.
Dinner - Vita-mix: this one I opted for a smoothie instead of juice as I had just finished the Tuesday night group ride and wanted some protein and banana to help with recovery. So into the Vita-mix went: 1 banana, 1 scoop of whey protein, some blue berries, some carob powder, some olive oil, some soy milk, some water and some ice. It was nice and made about 30 oz. On the ride I had 1 GU and 2 Clif shot bloks.

Observations: It's always interesting to me how on the first day of any type of a fast (when you're not eating) how many opportunities you have to eat. My wife and I went to Cost-co during lunch to have a little time together and get some items to juice. While there it was amazing how many samples were out and my wife actually brought me one. (I've had to remind her twice today that I wasn't eating.) My daughter made cookies and offered me some as soon as I got home. She later brought me some food home from the PTA meeting. So much of our eating is habit, pleasure and a dozen other reasons other than for nutrition. Day one is always a good reminder of where food really is in my life. The reminder for me is that it's everywhere and I need to be more mindful of it and not just eat because it's there, or tastes good, or it will help me feel better, or ______________?
After I finish this I will likely have another serving of psylium husks and also take my supplements. Even with the hard ride this evening I still feel good. Not exhausted or worn out, but looking forward to going to bed.
We'll see what tomorrow holds.
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