Thursday: out to the dam for some intervals on the bike - 14 intervals of 30 seconds on and 70 seconds recovering. I was seeing about 25-35 beats increase in the HR during the On and around 30-35 beats lost during recovery. Most intervals HR ran from the 130's to the 160's. The max HR was 167. The max speeds were 28 mph and was on the 9th and 11th interval. These intervals were rolling starts where I'd get out of the saddle and get up to speed and then sit down and usually shift one more up trying to keep maximum effort and then the last 5 seconds are beeping (thanks Garmin) so I would try to stand again and make the final effort to the finish. These were good efforts and my legs are telling me that I worked hard today.
Tomorrow (FR): will either be a rest day or a recovery run again. I haven't decided yet .. will see how I feel tomorrow.
Grandma is out of the hospital and making some adjustments to needing to use a wheel chair. How does the saying go? "Each day has enough trouble of it's own..."
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