Exercise -The only formal exercise was a brief walk mid morning; as for the nutrition: it was nice to make one of my smoothies for breakfast (spinach, carrot, sweet potato, blue berry, crasin, yogurt, almonds, flax seed, soy milk, water and ice) and salads for lunch again (spinach, tuna, onion, garlic, red bell pepper, jalapeno, craisns, mustard, almonds, olive oil and balsamic vinegar). One of the nice things about being out of town was the inability to snack. So to be home again, It surprises me (and yet it doesn't) that snacking is still a struggle--daily. Relationally: it was nice to come home for lunch to be greeted by my grand daughter and shortly there after my son-in-law; that was nice and a good choice over exercising during lunch.

Exercise - As I awoke at my regular time (for getting up to exercise and get back in to have time with the kids before leaving for school-4:41) I could hear the rain outside. There was also Lightning. I almost laid back down, but I know that if I don't get the exercise done in this window of time--it usually gets preempted by other higher priority daily and life events. So I rode my bike on the trainer for 100 minutes. The exercise time was uneventful. I'm still looking for a saddle, but put my old one back on for now. I'm hoping to pick up a test saddle today to try out and am anxious to find a saddle that is comfortable for me; especially with only 5 weeks until the 6 day ride.

Nutrition - I continue to struggle with snacking and over eating - allowing myself to be hungry (even over eating healthy meals isn't a positive thing - it's still a form of indulgence and/or gluttony). So, today is a water only day. It's not punishment or anything like that. It's more of a reminder of this struggle that I have and I use the extra time and focus that being hungry provides to have times of deeper reflection and asking God for help. The Bible says that human regulations lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence (Col 2:20-23). My discipline is like a beavers dam and God's assistance is like Hover Dam. So my act of not eating today isn't intended to add anymore sticks to my dam, but to help me set my heart and mind on things above: my only hope.
[The photos aren't meant to be sad. I've been slowly working on my fence putting in new poles. When I left the fence didn't look as it does now. So, I'll have to plan some time to work on the fence sometime soon. Life is full ... and that's Good!]
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