Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday-a reminder to full surrender

Today was, in a word, challenging. If you ask my family they would probably say I was a Grump and yelled too much, and I'd probably have to agree. It was a relationally, nutritionally and exercisingly (yes, I know it's not a word Steve, but it works for me) challenging day.

Nutrition: more struggles with a couple more cookies (3) (in dough form), a piece of See's dark chocolate candy, a serving of Sherbet, but on the good side I did dodge Taco Bell for lunch and made a nice veggie and chicken lunch at home. And made a nice smoothie for tomorrow morning (apple, pear, carrots, beet, spinach, yogurt, almonds whey protein, craisns and soy milk - see photo). I'm going in early tomorrow to work, so I needed to make the smoothie tonight so I don't wake up the whole family tomorrow morning.

Exercise: almost none. I spent 60 minutes on the bike this evening in 'test pilot' mode: testing out and adjusting the position of another saddle. This is the saddle that I am borrowing from my LBS. I was able to borrow a seat post on Friday and today was the first chance I've had to put it on my bike and try it out. So far it's good. My plan is to give it a road test tomorrow. Rather than ride on the trainer in the morning, I'll go into work early and then take a 3+ hr break late in the morning and go for a (hopefully) 50 mile ride. It is my hope to do this several days this week in preparation for doing it more days next week.

With less than 5 weeks until the 6 day 600 mile ride, it's time to get off the trainer and on the road--daily. The winds have been brutal, but I need to have the mind set that as long as it's safe I need to ride. Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed, as training alone can be tough.

When I'm not exercising and allow myself the bad foods, I tend to get frustrated with myself which impacts how I respond to others; mostly my family. I'm aware of this and asking for God's help in these areas. My family still loves me--so that's a good thing.  

The thought that I had today: "What do I have or do that I'm trying to keep from my God? And why am I doing this? What does the world really have to offer me that is more important than my relationship with God?"

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