The winds across the dam (and everywhere) brought out many soaring birds: able to hover or attain great speeds with what looked like very little effort beyond a few body and wing movements. Me on the other hand, on my bike, it wasn't an effortless day. Had I not been training for the ride (I leave in 3 weeks) I probably would not have ridden--it was just to windy. But, I think it's important and good mental preparation as well as perseverance - so I pushed on. The ride out into the wind was tough and the ride back into the wind wasn't much better. As I've said before the cost and gain of the wind never gives a net result of zero, but instead it has a cost in both directions...?

I think I'll skip the numbers for today, with the exceptions of saying it was the 46 mile loop and it took me over 2 1/2 hours.
[There is some difficulty knowing the balance of being personal and not too personal in these entries. So, please feel free to ask or comment and I will respond as best I can.]
Quirks / New Experiences:
- I've noticed that I have a tendency to ride with my mouth open. How do I notice this? Well, I usually don't until I have some drool run out of the corner of my mouth...then I think, "O yeah, I need to keep my mouth closed." This usually happens many times during a ride. [As I read this to my wife she quickly reminded me, after she finished laughing, that I always have my mouth open: sleeping, wrestling, walking, running .. so I guess it's just when I'm breathing!]

- Another new experience is having a tender bottom side. Not just on the bike, but all the time. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but is more tender than normal.
- Today is the third day in a row where I have wanted another gear on the top end. Not sure why: could be I'm getting used to riding at a lower cadence; could be I'm able to push a little harder; not sure what it is, but it's a new experience.
- Carrying my camera with me on rides in my back pack has given me a freedom to stop and capture something where my normal tendency is to keep on going: don't stop until I'm done. Much like the typically stereo-type of guys and having to "conquer" their events. It's been freeing to be able to stop in the middle.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy day, so I'm not sure what I'll do yet...
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