Just a brief entry, as my schedule feels a little more compacted (could be the late soccer game last night, could be the long lunch rides, could be the huge list of undone things around the home, ...)
Nutritionally it was an acceptable day yesterday: healthy meals, a sweet at lunch and some frozen yogurt after dinner.
Exercise: it was my second day of doing the 40 mile ride mid morning. It wasn't as windy yesterday and was really very nice. My time dropped 10 minutes from Mondays 2 1/2 hrs. So my avg. speed was up to the low 17's. My max HR was 179 and the avg was..I think 137. (
I don't have all the numbers and will update with those at my next posting. I also stopped to take the photos that are attached while on my ride.) The saddle felt better on this ride. I wasn't able to return the saddle before the bike shop closed, so I think I will try it one more time and return it Wed after work.
Relationally it was a little more challenging. I need to not be lazy here, or selfish .. those are easy places to drop into, but the results never satisfy. My prayer is to do better relationally today.
I've been looking for a good-safe place to take blue bonnet pictures of the kids, let me know if you see any when your out riding. It's best when they are on a hill, so the back ground is blue bonnets too. Thanks