Steve and I rode together today. Numbers: we rode for 79.4 miles and 4:59:48 time. Our average speed was just under 16 mph. Not bad considering the wind and the distance (and a few hills). My Garmin says I burned 5377 calories. (I use 1000 cal / hr as my normal estimate, so this is reasonably close.) My avg HR was 122 and my max was 170.

The intent for today wasn't speed, but rather it was doing the distance. This was the longest ride for both of us this year. The distance for day one on May 9th is 112+ miles, through the hills. So it was good to finish the ride: for the distance, continuing to get used to eating while riding, getting used to being on a saddle for that long, mental accomplishment, ... it was good.
I've been eating a PowerBar each hour and that seems to be working for keeping some calories and fuel coming in. Today for 'lunch' I had a Peanutbutter and Jelly sandwich. We stopped for 30 minutes and about 10 minutes every 20 miles.
Tomorrow is Easter. I'm looking forward to Church in the morning and then having my family over afterwards for a meal and some time together. It will be especially nice to see my Daughter and Son-in-law and Grand daughter. I'll do most of the cooking and haven't decided what I'll be grilling yet - but it will be good what ever it is!
Today is the last day of this week; which was a record week for me on the bike. I spent an hour on the trainer and ~15 hours on the road: ~260 miles total this week. It's a lot. But it's crunch time: 3 weeks of training left before day one of the ride in just 4 weeks from today. I rode 5 days in a row, with a rest day, then the long ride today. If all goes as planned, next week will be another record week. I'd like to ride 6 days in a row to simulate the 6 Day ride. I'm considering bumping the 40 mi loop to 50, and I'd like to see 100 next Sat instead of 80. But we'll see how it all shakes out.
Another aspect of my preparations for this up coming ride is trying to raise funds to help 45 Christians in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) receive Bible translation training at a university level so they can translate the Bible for their own language groups. My goal is to raise $10 a mile for 600 miles, or $6000 towards their support. If you would like to make a pledge towards this goal, please let me know. More will be following on this soon.

As I've been putting in the extra time in doing what I can to be prepared for this ride, one thing I'm mindful of and thankful for is my equipment. [I have a photo of the 'twin' flashers that I use when riding-even in the daytime. I want to do what I can to be seen.] My bike has worked flawlessly, something I do not take for granted. When my tires needed to be replaced, I bought good quality tires (just as I did when I rode a motorcycle on the street). When you have a quarter of an inch (or less) connecting you with the road, and you are going 30+ miles an hour, with automobiles with in a few feet of you at just can't risk saving a few dollars on a lesser tire (or so I think). I guess I'm trying to say that I'm doing what I can to be safe (in what I buy and how I ride) and am aware and thankful for God's help in this too.
I'm thankful for a safe record week and hoping for another record week next week!
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