Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday: meltdown...warning lights

Well, as I reflect back on Mondays events, there were no significant positive milestones in the areas of exercise or nutrition, but rather being up late (not healthy to miss sleep) and eating ice cream (as a pleasure food - my meltdown). :-(

It was an amazing rainy day as I made a short entry on and it was neat to experience the storm and to have all the rain. By the afternoon it was not raining hard and I was tempted to go for a short (hour) ride with Ed, but when it came time to make a decision I decided that it wasn't dry enough and the radar looked to green still. So, instead, I rode on the trainer for 90 minutes at a avg of just over 15 mph and a low avg HR too. (Kind of a ho-hum attitude of just getting it done and lacking the quality.)

I went to my son's soccer game in the evening (he played quite well if I do say so myself) and returned around 10 PM. I then had some chores to do and some reading. That's when the ice cream thought came and conquered me. It's those times alone again. Wow...Eve was tempted when she was alone! That would be a good study; I bet there's a common thread there. I know I've been pretty overloaded with the things in my life that aren't getting done and that makes it very easy to give into little false pleasures and satisfactions. Emotionally I'm also quite full as I almost sprung a leak several times yesterday.

As I write this I'm seeing red lights on the dashboard of my life and am pulling over to take a look. When your car shows the over heating or oil warning, and you ignore it hoping that you can make it to where you are going...you risk serious damage to your motor. So too, when life shows you the warning lights, they need to be responded to. It may be time for a pit-stop: more fuel (purpose), tires (direction), some tweaks to the air flow (seek God for some key scriptures) and have those red and orange lights checked out too. Only a fool or the very ignorant keep driving their cars with several of the warning lights on. So, too, a wise person can see the warning signs in their life and will respond to them. I'm not implying that I'm wise, but am implying that I'd be a fool if I ignored the warnings...

Life is much more than just physical health issues (like exercise and nutrition) and it's difficult to blog on health issues when the real battle is in other areas and it spills over into these lesser ones. For me, Monday is a reminder of how challenging life is and how weeks of 'good' routine can be swallowed up in an instant...So, today is a new day: asking God to wash away my pity party and 'woe is me' syndrome and give me a heart of thankfulness. Not something I can manufacture, but real thankfulness-that's my desire for Today (Tuesday).


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