Thursday, April 23, 2009

Th: windy, new test saddle

[Breakfast: two fried eggs in a bowl with the rest of the Dahl and some fresh spinach added. It was very tasty. Having made the Dahl twice now - it tastes better each time.]

I wrote in the past about my $600 prescription; today I had a mid process check with the Dermatologist, and the cream is working as expected, so I'm to continue for another 6 weeks of treatment. And the hope or expectation is that the skin will be normal after a couple weeks after stopping the treatment. Sounds good to me.

I made it to the bike shop today during lunch. I looked around and was able to talk with one of the guys there who is VERY helpful and generous. Today I was able to leave with another saddle to test out. It's different from others that I've looked at, but he said many people find it comfortable. I was also able to talk to him about bike shorts and explained some of my discomfort and he said it could be my shorts too - not just a saddle problem, or maybe not a saddle problem at all. He showed me how a pair of bib's that they have were different from mine (and mine aren't cheep ones - these were just exceptional ones). That was a good thing to learn - a pearl worth remembering.

As I left for my ride I was very excited about getting to try out a different saddle. It's definitely flatter than mine. It felt different, but not bad. Unfortunately I did reach a point (before 20 miles) where my back side was getting sore. And as the ride progressed in the 20-30+ mph S winds I started to feel like I was sitting on a 2x4. I don't have any plans to try it again tomorrow. I did use some Bag-Balm today and that seemed to help, so maybe tomorrow with my own saddle I'll have little discomfort...I hope.

As for the details of the ride: it was a tough wind out of the south - worse than yesterday. I also got a late start ~5 PM. I tended to back down a bit on the power output (I don't have a power meter so I can't quantify the amount, but my avg HR was in the 120's and my max was only in the 150's. The avg speed was just over 16.

I also made it to visit my Grandma. Which normally includes cleaning and putting a fresh battery into her hearing aid - and today it also included finding it first. Thankfully (to God) I found it in a chair by the cushion and the side. She has a tough time with out her hearing aid in and functioning.

It's almost midnight and I just caught myself falling asleep again - time to call it a wrap for today. For you that read these, is there content that is of interest that isn't here? If you have any preferences, please leave a comment.  Thanks.

[Photo shows a cement plant and the wind blowing.]

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