How could it be more windy...I was very surprised on Friday to get back and checked the weather to see the reported wind gusting up to 40+ mph with sustained winds over 20 mph. But, that would explain why I spent so much time in my lowest gears trying to maintain double digits on the speedometer. It was tough going into that wind. (When I crossed over the two bridges that go over the fingers of the lake, it reminded me of the ocean; with all the swells and white caps.)
The numbers for the ride: 2:30 for 40.3 miles, 45 mx & 16 avg mph, the TT over the bridge was 35.4 mph avg with the exit speed of 42 and 120 cadence. The trip out into the wind was at 13.5 mph avg for 19.6 miles. It's very hard for me to ride long distances in wind like this. Even with the boost on the return trip, it still seems like the cost of going into the wind is not fully recovered.
I also had a Softball game Friday night at 10:20 PM. It was a fun game and we almost got to play the whole game before getting run ruled with ~10 minutes left. It's hard to improve when you only play once a week-but it's still fun.
It's been a little over a week since I first spoke with Ed on the phone - in preparation for riding together while he's here for some work related business. The hope was to get at least 1 ride in together on Saturday and we'll see what happens with the rest of the week. Ed is one of the other 6 riders who are on track to do the Wycliffe 6 day 600+ mile ride (starting in just under 2 weeks now). You can read a post by Ed on the Wycliffe ride blog.

Ed and I had talked about doing the 40 loop twice, but due to time and riding conditions (strong winds) we did one 46 mile loop together. It was fun being the 'host' and taking Ed on my regular route so he could experience what my route is like, what the riding conditions have been like and just to share some time together.
The ride south was into the wind: pretty tough going. We had a very brief light sprinkle, but not enough to become dangerous. We left from my house and stopped at Walgreen's at the turn around point about 1 1/2 hours later. The return trip went quicker with the aid of the wind. We saw speeds in the 20's, 30's and even 40's. There are parts of this route that have some rough road and since I'm pretty familiar with the roads it's safer for Ed to lead so he can navigate with the benefit of seeing the whole road (we also took turns leading so the other could have a rest from pulling into the wind).
Anyways, it was great meeting Ed for the first time. We've communicated a couple times by email but it was nice to meet face to face, to have him in my home briefly, show him the quick family photos and head off on a ride together... both taking turns praying to our God with thanksgiving and requests. The riding conditions were tough, but it was a Great ride!
Confession: It was a bad evening for self control in the area of eating. We enjoyed a nice meal at Red Robin later that afternoon (my wife and two youngest and myself) and I had seconds on the french fries. Then we were going to get a treat on the way home but ended up getting ice cream at the store instead, and I had WAY TO MUCH: I mean I'm to embarrassed to say how much because it was WAY over... So, not only did I over eat at dinner, and eat not nutritionally sound food, but was up late with ice cream... I think it could be related to my stress load, as a hot water heater has a safety valve, maybe mine is pleasure foods. I wish it weren't, but I am thankful that I'm not a total nervous wreck instead. As I've said before, I'm far from having it all together. I have some discipline some of the time. That's enough for now.
Do you ever overeat or indulge yourself? If yes, why? Have to tried to figure that out? (If you know, please share as you may be able to help many others. If I knew the answer to that and how to help people--I'd write a book, or do something to get more traffic to my blog... :-)
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