Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday: Rain...back on the trainer

Due to the rain today, I was forced to ride on my trainer; I had forgotten how difficult it is in just under two weeks of being on the road. Not having the movement, cars, looking around, random thoughts, hills, wind, high speed, out of the saddle, ... all the variation that normally happens on a 2 1/2 hr ride on the road - is missing on the trainer. It was difficult to get in the 2:05 that I did.

It is possible that the rain will clear our in the AM tomorrow, so I'm hoping for an afternoon ride; and kind of hoping for 80+ miles. The ride will be by myself, as is normally the case. (Can you sense the pouting and self pity in my tone?) I am looking forward to not setting my alarm and waking up naturally tomorrow morning.

My wife bought some amazing Strawberries today! They are Huge AND they have Great Flavor!! The pictures don't do them justice. They are some of the biggest with good flavor that I've ever had. I'm sure I'll have one or three in my smoothie tomorrow will be nice to have a smoothie for breakfast again, haven't had one sense early this week.

We watched the move "Super size me" tonight. I've been wanting to see it but forgot about it until my friend PJ lent my his copy. It's worth watching in my opinion. There were some words used that we don't use in my family and some talking about some activities with his girlfriend, but other wise it was worth watching. There were a lot of facts and information given out...some amazing information that many ignore.

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