Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 3: ~106 miles

-One of the churches that we rode past today had a sign out welcoming us. Why? (keep reading)
- Ben out in front of one of our SAG stops. Sitting on a bench, next to the cricket container and under the fan and temp gauge reading 90+.
- A field, one of many with fresh picked onions in boxes waiting to be hauled off
- One of the many 'Green and Yellow' tractors we saw working hard today in the many fields that we rode past. It was neat to see so many people out working in the fields - all the fresh foods that we enjoy, don't grow themselves ... there are many people working hard to see that happen
- Another tractor hard at work.]
Today we stopped at a few churches. Including the one above with the sign. Brief history: 'A week before the ride, our SAG (Support And Gear) driver along with his wife, drove the entire distance of our 635 mile ride and personally delivered a small green tote bag that contained info about Wycliffe and about our ride to every single church along the route. As we ride, we pray for these churches as we pass them but today was a special surprise. A church in southern Georgia had erected a hand made sign welcoming our group of 7 cyclists. We stopped, personally autographed the sign and had our pictures taken. Each church along the route, more than 225 of them..."
This ride is a ride like no other - for me, but it is also about relationships and people. We have a full route for each day, but when God has us to interact with others - that takes priority. We talked with a pastor and youth paster today along the way, and then this evening we are staying in Paterson First Baptist - Georgia. The have been great hosts. The pastors wife actually said that this town is like Mayberry - you know, the Andy Griffith Show! It's that friendly and hospitable - and I have no reason to question that as we were treated so very well. We had showers at the high school field house and then a great spaghetti meal with salad and dessert back here at the church.

Once again I think I'm the last one to bed! I just cant seem to get everything done and ready for tomorrow and then blog and then get to bed early. Last night it was very close to 12: less than 6 hours sleep. YES - I know I need more than that! Sleep is one of my sermons...I've tought on the value and importance of proper rest.
In our team meeting this morning one of the things we talked about was allowing those who would like to when it was safe and no confusion on the route - to be able to ratchet it up a few gears. So, we allowed that today and it was very nice. I think a couple of us only took of one time out of the group, but it was nice to be able too. Just having the freedom takes some of the pressure off. The riding was fun as a group and had couple short dashes with individuals too.

Please continue to pray for us and for those that we come in contact with. Thanks so much.
Tonight I was told that they were going to wake me up earlier than everyone else since it seems to take me so long to get ready...even threatening me with ice water. So, I have to get to bed now. I need my rest.
I appreciate the encouragement! The prayers! And the other things you do that directly or indirectly play a part of me being here.
Tomorrow is routed for another 100+ miles - Lord willing that will be 4 in 4 days. :-)


  1. Halfway home and another century to boot. Good job! Isn't it all downhill from here out, especially since you're going south?

  2. Almost there...keep it up Century Man!! -aaron

  3. All down hill??? Hmmm... it doesn't feel like all down hill after 5 hrs. :-)

    It is mostly flat now though. Waiting to clean up and head out for dinner. 104 miles today - but I'll blog that later tonight.


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