Photos: not in chronological order
- the sunset over one of the ponds here at the FL center
- my bike, packed again and ready to go into the box and head back to TX
-2:The wall of honor at the Campus Crusade for Christ headquarters: people who have given their lives in the process of being a part of the Jesus film project.
-2: The archive room of various copies of the Jesus film.
- Ed Speyers standing holding a copy of the New Testament that he worked on: the 500 th one for Wycliffe.
- A picture done with charcoal and only the finger prints of the artist.
- A tree with leaves that have languages written on them...
- Different peoples with information when they got the New Testament and a recording of John 3:16 in their language.
Today: another emotional day, but of a different kind. Going through the Wycliffe discovery center was a powerful experience. To think a fresh of the need of peoples to have God's word - it was very moving. Then in the afternoon to get a tour of the Jesus Film project at the Campus Crusade for Christ headquarters moved me to tears - more than once. To see the response that people young and old have to the story of Jesus in their own language ... is very moving! I bought two of their movies to bring home to share with my family and others.
Nutrition: with out the training or riding - I'm back to needing to have more discipline in my eating quantity as I've gotten into the habit of fueling my body at a rate that I'm no longer burning. That is a bit of a struggle, but I'm working on it.
I boxed my bike today. The box was a little short, but it was modified and I think it should be safe for travel. It is done and ready to go out on Monday.
Tomorrow I will have most of the day by myself. That will be nice. I've enjoyed the time with others, but some self time will be good to process what's going on today and what has happened these last days.
Update: Jon was released from the hospital today and should be home by now. He is doing well, but has a long recovery a head of him. As often as you remember - please pray for him and his family.
The Wall of Honor was a reminder that people are still giving their lives for their God. It challenged me to not be mediocre - but to be always ready for what ever God would call me to. (This is one of the thoughts that needs further processing.)
Why live a safe life if God is supporting a radical life?! Why be concerned for personal retirement when people don't know God?! Do we really believe God will take care of our every need? Are we willing to live at the level of God's provision?...Do we really Love God?
The theme for today was: Live life to the fullest: Live life fully surrendered to God: can we only accept good from God? A life of obedience is the only way to have life of purpose!
Once again I'm the last one up. No grammar checks tonight. I need my sleep so I'm signing off.
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