Friday, February 27, 2009

A Grey Day ...

This morning started as most mornings do: early, but hopeful and optimistic. Being Friday it was off to the gym for some time on the treadmill and some time in the pool. I didn't have a specific plan for the treadmill, but was looking forward to the time in the pool - hoping for some break through or "Ah-Ha" experience.

(Brief Background: one of the most difficult things for me to do when I'm training for some specific event is to not follow the "chart" or "plan" and cut back some exercise.) So today on the treadmill, when I was feeling a little tired and not motivated to push hard, being the first of my three planned times of exercise, it wasn't to difficult to allow myself to cut back and not run as hard or as long. It would allow me more time in the pool. So, I didn't even cover the 3 K distance of the upcoming TRI (14 days). It bothered me a little, but I figured I'd make up for it later.

In the pool with the fins it wasn't too bad. Swimming with fins is kind-of nice. Well, I wasn't really swimming as most people do, I was doing various drills (swimming on my side, breathing, switching from side to side, ... etc). I also spent time swimming and am still not able to do 25 m with out getting confused or swallowing water or something. If I had more time I think I would continue to improve, but to be ready in two weeks with only 4 more times in the pool ... I don't think so. It was a little discouraging and a thought was planted of not doing the TRI.

The bike ride at lunch - now this was something I was looking forward to. It was cool, but not cold; and a bit windy. I found myself tired (not sleepy, but physically and a little emotionally) I was also starting to fight the "blahs". We did intervals on the way out: 1 minute hard - 1 minute recovery. Those are difficult for me, so it was good, for if I were by myself today I would have likely just ridden moderately. I was planning on two laps, but just did one.  By this time I was also considering what to do with my planned Sat ride of 4 1/2 hrs. It is supposed to be even more windy and cold than it was last Sat- and that was a tough ride. So what do you do on a grey day ... after three moderate times of training ... that's right; decide to take a break! 

So tomorrow I'm considering maybe a lesser ride on the trainer later in the day, but when I would be riding normally - it's racquet ball!!  And some time in the pool with the fins looking for some "Ah Ha"!

Not only was it grey outside for most of the day today, it was a little grey in me too. Exercise is one thing that can have an effect on my emotions, so is my family, work, circumstances, ... and today seemed to have many of them come together. It was a bit of a rough day. It was nice to have dinner together as a family and then to watch a family movie (Madagascar 2) and have pop corn. It was good to pull in a little and get some peace.

The reminder and lesson of today is: "Life is bigger than, and doesn't follow, my training plan". So I'm giving myself some freedom for the weekend - with the plan of getting back on Monday with a fresh resolve.  

I have a question for you: "How do you handle taking time off when you think you should be training?" Take a minute and share your answer in a comment.  It may help me and others. Thanks.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Completing todays plan

Today was 76 minutes on the trainer followed by some time with the weights. (It will be nice see what patterns emerge as I log not just the facts here, but some of the emotions too.)

The time on the bike was more difficult today. One key factor was the temp being 69 degrees and I didn't have a fan. Normally a single water bottle is plenty for both the ride and the weights, but today I was short on water. Another factor was the trainer. (It is having the same problems as the first unit. I've contacted the manufacture and now know that the replacement I was sent wasn't one of the redesigned units that should be available in a couple days-and I'm told these units run cooler, quieter and have a consistent resistance. So, I'm looking forward to replacing mine as soon as it comes.) None-the-less, the training must go on, so I spent most of my time trying to sustain a medium high cadence (~100) at as high as possible resistance. My Cateye said my average was ~24 mph when I was done, but I'm not putting a lot of confidence in that. What's important to me is that I was sweating greatly and maintaining a good working heart rate (HR). I was not entertained by watching any movies, but instead was continuing to listen to the "Walking with God" audio book. It's still very good and I'd still highly recommend it.

The time with the weights, even though it's a reduced routine and I'm only doing it twice a week, I'm still seeing some improvements. That's encouraging. Especially as my muscles seem to be leaning out. These are challenging for me, but I still want to keep them in my routine as I think they contribute to a better balance for my everyday life.

I think I gave a good effort this morning. Time went by slowly, but I kept on going (1:16:35 when I was done on the bike) Same for the weights: when the timer went off, I started the next set. (I use a timer and give myself usually 60 seconds between sets.) I managed one extra pull up and one additional rep on the bench press - progress. Breakfast was nice: oatmeal, barley and millet, with olive oil, flax seed, ground almonds, maple syrup and soy milk. Lunch is made and will be enjoyed after this entry is finished: tuna, mustard, cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic powder, ginger powder, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sweat potato, carrot, broccoli, spinach, onions, black beans, craisns, asiago cheese and chopped peanuts. I'm not loosing much weight, but I am still eating well.

I'm looking forward to another group lunch ride tomorrow. It is supposed to be windy again, but I'm learning to accept that-at least I'm not riding indoors by myself. And hoping for a 4 1/2 hr ride on Sat.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Are results guaranteed?

"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like on of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." - Mat 6: 28-34.

This morning was a run-swim time at the gym. I saw two people that I haven't seen for a while so I was able to briefly talk with them. (My family has lived in this community, the same town, for 16 years now and the same house for that last 13 yrs! That's amazing to me. I'm still getting used to recognizing people and seeing friends when I go to the grocery store.) So, back to the events at the gym. While running on the treadmill, it's up on the second deck so you can see below, and I tend to be a 'people watcher/observer'. It was interesting see all the different people: tall-short, skinny-muscular-chubby, young-old, very fit-not very fit.  They were all at the same place, same time and many doing similar things...I'm sure the results varied; as did the lives up to that point and even what lies ahead.

In the pool, I used my fins for the first 2/3 rds of my time. The were helpful and made breathing much easier. I did notice though that even with my fins on, the guy in the next lane was still faster than me. And when I took them off for the last ~10 minutes ... I felt like I wasn't even moving at all! With only 4 more times scheduled in the pool and still not done a timed 300 meters .. I'm thinking my buddies will indeed be finished with the whole event before I get in and finish my pool leg. So, just because I want to learn to swim better-isn't a guarantee that I actually will learn to swim better. 

Going to the gym and exercising isn't a guarantee that I'll get more fit. Eating right isn't a guarantee that I'll be more healthy. Today I'm struck with the thought - there are no guarantees in this life other than to have a relationship with God: to seek him first and allow him to fulfill the rest of life. It's not a throw my hands up and sit and pout, it's more do my best but still allow God to be God. I want to continue to work my best and hardest, but I need to be careful not to require the results to be success: life is more than that and God is WAY WAY MORE than that! I guess what I'm hearing myself say is to always try to do my best in everything-but don't be proud since all I have was given to me by God. Even the ability to improve has been given by God. Life is much more than food or clothes, it's about relationships: with God and with each other!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two hour Tuesday...

Ahh... today is starting well, rode the bike, took my oldest (at home) to school, kissed and prayed and had some interaction with my youngest two, before my wife took them to school and I can hear my middle up, but haven't seen her yet. I saw Ron on his bike (riding hard as usual) while taking my son to school, I enjoyed an egg from one of Darryl's chickens as part of my breakfast, had a short funny note from Colin, ... I haven't even really left my house to start my 'outside' day and I feel like I've had good contact with several already!  :-)

I was up at the normal time today. I've kind of started thinking of Tuesdays as "Two hour Tuesday". So, today, with a little assistance from a movie (US Marshals - Tommy Lee Jones) I rode my bike for 121 minutes. I was mostly on autopilot, but did glance down at my Cateye now and then: seemed to be maintaining a 90-105 cadence. I was a little saddened that my trainer seems to be starting to have the same problem that it had before I replaced the resistance unit. I'm not sure what to do about that yet. I'll send them an email and see where we go from there. 

I would like to add a run at lunch, but I just don't have the time.  The run will come first thing tomorrow morning and after that I'll get to try out these drills with the added benefit of using fins. I'm looking forward to that and am hoping that it will help me to start making better progress on my "anti-drowning" (swimming).

One side effect of the increased exercise is an increase in my appetite. I still eat mostly healthy, but I am eating larger quantities. 
For Example: this morning I had a piece of whole wheat bread before riding and a granola bar during the ride, as well as a bottle of water. Afterwards I made a smoothie: banana, apple, spinach, yogurt, almonds, flax seed, blue berries, crasins, carrots, soy milk, protein powder, carob powder, peanut butter and ice. It made about 50 ozs. I drank some and will take the rest with me to work for my snack. I also made an egg: sauteed some onions and garlic, added it to an egg, slice of mozzarella cheese, good turkey lunch meat, black pepper and cyan pepper.  Mmmmm ... tasty.  

Have a Great Day!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A funny thing happened at the gym last week...

I did have a funny thing happen last week at the gym, but wasn't sure if I should share the story here. I've shared it with three others and they all said I should, so please don't read further if stories of flatulence are offensive or rude to you.

I put a picture of garlic here as they are usually a daily food for me.  As are onion, spinach and some other regulars on my dietary list. Just as I have a tendency to not stop with chocolate, so I have the same tendency with garlics. If I roast 20 cloves in a pan with olive oil - I will often find myself eating all of them. (I'm told I often smell like garlic, but am unable to notice it myself.

So, here's my funny story: I was at the gym last Wednesday and was running on the treadmill. I was working pretty hard and the gym was full, or at least the treadmills were all being used. The first one that was open when I came in (mind you this is 5:10 in the morning) was down a fair bit, and had a row if different type of exercise machines behind the treadmills. So, I had people on both sides and behind me. During my run the person on my left left and another showed up.  The way I noticed this was the smell of rubbing alcohol. As I looked over I watched her meticulously clean every surface of the treadmill: the rails, the front panel, the top, the rails was a bit overboard. Here I was sweating and flinging sweat off my arms onto the panel. (One of the benefits that I enjoy of being healthy is the ability to sweat well. Now my sweat doesn't typically stink sense I've been juicing and have removed certain foods from my routine.) So I'm running, drinking some out of my water bottle and using my rag to wipe my face and arms while I run. After my distance was reached, I backed down the speed to a recovery walk and was walking when it happened. I couldn't really help it. I was having some very strong odorous flatulence - but thankfully their delivery was silent. Shortly after the 'accident' I could sense it's presence - then I saw the rubbing alcohol lady next to me sense it's presence ... by taking her rag and covering her nose and mouth. Not just briefly but for a loooong time... maybe 15 seconds, maybe more, I was too embarrassed to use my peripheral vision to look. I was torn: embarrassed on the outside and rolling hysterically on the floor laughing on the inside!! 

So, if you like your garlic as I do...know there are consequences!

I like Mondays!

Last night I was able to be in bed before 10 and sleeping not much later. I checked my Oxygen and HR as is my custom once I settle down at the end of my days. My HR was 5 to 10 beats lower last night then it's been for a while.  I take that as a positive thing: I'm not over training, my body is resting, I'm not sick, ... many good things going on. It's normally something like 95/55 (O2/HR), but last night it was in the mid 40's.  I will also hold my breath for  30 to 60 seconds and watch how the HR and O2 interact: I know what is normal for me, how they play off of each other, but last night I saw a low HR of 35 - again ~5 beats lower than normal. I think the 4 hr ride on Sat was a factor as well as not eating Sunday night after 6 PM. I'll keep an eye on things but I'm encouraged.

Having a good nights rest, and a slightly modified routine for today, I was ready and waiting for the alarm to go off so I could get up this morning at what has become my normal time of 4:40 AM. (I never would have thought that would be my regular wake up time.) The modification to my routine is an additional 15 minutes on the trainer - 75 minutes today; afterwards would be a condensed time with the weights. I continued listening to the audio book "Walking with God" this morning and would recommend it. The time on the bike didn't go by quickly - until it was over, and I was surprised by how quickly it had gone...! Even with the reduced emphasis on the weights, I was able to see some progress - which is encouraging.

On the way in from the garage the sunrise was spectacular again. It seems fitting for this morning. I have high expectations for this day and week. I passed through the house and grabbed my camera to capture the sunrise. It is indeed very nice. But to my surprise, spectacular has become common with sunrises. I still appreciate it and am enjoying it, but think that it needs a twist for the morning photo - so I took some pictures of it as it's reflected in a car A Great start to a Great Day!  

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today was, in a word..."Windy!"

Today was one of those days where the wind was flying a 30 foot flag straight out! (See the photo to right.) It was also the kind of day that in the past I would have chosen not to ride: it's to windy. But with only one day a week to get in a long ride, I didn't have that luxury today.

I was able to sleep in this morning until 6.  My hope was to be out the door by 6:30, but I was running a little behind as it took longer to gather my snacks and make my water bottles; and it was a bit darker than I wanted to ride in. (I added a second flashing light to the rear of my bike, so it is VERY visible now. Next I need to get a better 'white' light for the front of my bike.) So at just a little after 7 I was ready. It was overcast and the wind was present, but not as bad as the wind and cold were supposed to be as the morning grew on.

The wind was out of the SSW when I left and not too bad to ride against. Just over an hour into my ride, after reaching my furthest South point, the wind had changed directions and intensity: it was now almost due North (NNW) and as strong as I've ever had to ride into before.  Once I started heading North, I had to stop within 10 yards to put back on my warm gloves and added my windbreaker to my already three layers of undershirt, shirt and light weight jacket. I was glad to have it and wore it for the remainder of the ride. I had wool socks and wind breaker sweats: glad for them too.

For those ~15 miles directly into the wind much of the time, I was often in my lowest gear (39/27) and had I had another lower I'd have been in it too. It was tough riding. If I were to have a riding "Nemesis", it would probably be the wind. It's amazing how the wind can take so much out of you. It can get into your head. And it's not equal: the cost in effort and time into the wind is always greater than the benifit with it to your back. 

Once I got back to a leg that is a good loop (the Dam), I did a few laps there. That loop is more East-West so the wind was a cross component and a little easier to deal with. But at over 3 hrs into the ride, it still wasn't easy. This is also a point in my rides where I typically start getting "barn fever" and today was no exception. I knew I wanted to see 4 hrs and it was very difficult making myself do additional laps for time now as the distance was not important. I new the forecast was wind, so I took the distance I was wanting to ride ~70 miles and the normal average speed and came up with ~ 4 hrs for the ride today.  That was my goal.  It ended up being around 55 mile with an avg around 14 mph.  But the real accomplishment for me today was to ride for 4 hrs (and 1 minute). I haven't been on my bike for that long sense early last fall. So it was a tough ride, but a good mental milestone too.

Tomorrow is my weekly rest day. I'm glad for that. Next week I am planning on adding 30 minutes to my time on the bike in the trainer: it's been 4 hrs per week and it will now be 4 1/2 (two 75 minute rides and one 120 minute ride). I'd also like to see a single weekly long ride of 4 or more hrs. It's a long time, but it's for a good purpose. 

How is your training going? What are you training for? I'm curious...

Friday, February 20, 2009

I like Fridays ...

I think for today's entry, I will go in reverse chronological order.

After coming home from the "Friday Lunch Ride" (FLR), there was a box waiting for me at the door!! (I like getting boxes.) This one I knew had my fins
in it - had only the come a day earlier I would have enjoyed having them for my swim this morning, but none-the-less I am glad they are here and may have a hard time waiting until Wed to try them out! I also ordered a second SuperFlash for me or my bike...not sure where to put it yet, I just know I want to add it in hopes of increasing my visibility to cars on the road. Safety First!

The FLR was Great.  There were seven of us out there: a couple of new people and some others that are getting their bike legs back for the upcoming biking season.  It was 4 miles out and 4 back for the first lap with the focus on having a good time (out was into a very strong wind). The back trip was kind of the same, with the now becoming traditional "sprint" towards the end. We visited briefly and then did another lap - the second one at a bit of a quicker pace and ending with another "sprint".  It was very nice and fun to have so many friends out there and to meet a couple new ones.

This morning was my fifth run-swim, with five more planned before the Tri (in 22 days). The time in the pool was more drills and a little more than normal trying to put together my stroke for 10 - 15 meters at a time.  I'm still struggling with breathing so I get very winded and have a hard time even finishing the 25 meters.  But, my fins came today, and I have new hope that the drills with the added benefit of the fins will start to work!!  :-)  I saw a picture of the 50 meter pool that the Tri will be held in-wow, very nice. And a bit has a deep end and there's no resting after 25 meters. With three weeks remaining, I still have quite a ways to go.
The time on the treadmill was good too. I've been using the time to get more comfortable with what heart rates (HR's) I can sustain while running and how those map to paces for the 3k distance. Today it was 150's with a brief push towards the end into the 170's and a sprint at the end up to 180 (It could have gone higher, but I was sucking for air with my eyes closed after pressing the STOP button). Once I pushed the STOP button I was all about stopping and getting my breath. My hamstrings aren't bothering me today; I'm glad for that. It normally takes me 3 weeks to start adjusting to a work out and today is that 3 week mark for the time in the pool and on the treadmill.

My plan for tomorrow is to get out early and get in as close to 4 hrs on the bike as I can. 
It's supposed to be windy and cool/cold, so with last Saturdays ride still in my memory (about not ever getting warm), I will dress warmer and have a backpack to carry clothes if I get to hot. Being cold is not good for my mental attitude.

That's the exercise portion of this day. The highlights were getting my swimming fins and the FLR.  It's nice to ride outside, even with the wind it's nicer than on the trainer by myself.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unexceptional-with one exception...

Training today was unexceptional - with the exception of actually training today...! 

 (I could have been sleeping like my dog.) 

The alarm went off at 4:40 AM and I was awoken in that first minute (no 7 minute wake up period today). Rather than get up right a way, I knew I had some extra time (only 60 minute bike ride and ~30 minutes of weights) in the schedule, so I choose to "relax" and enjoy the warmth and quite for another 30 minutes..5:10, now time was short and my time with the weights would have to give up the difference. I started on the bike for an hour with a mixture of intense and light times.  The intense times were periods (1-5 minutes) of high cadence (100-130+) and the light being easy recovery pedaling. When it was all said and done, the avg pace over the 60 minutes was 21.8 mph. (The replacement resistance unit in my trainer worked great again today-woo hoo!) After 60 minutes of riding and a few minutes to rest and change, I had about 20 minutes for weights. So, I just did my warm-ups followed by bench presses and pull-ups. 

There are 23 more days until the Triathlon (Tri) and 79 days until the 6 Day Ride (Going the Distance). Tomorrow will be my 3rd Friday of run and swim before breakfast, and then a group ride at lunch.  It is the midpoint of Fridays until the Tri event. Twenty five more days and I plan to be back to focusing on the Bike event: planning on dropping the running and swimming.  Not exactly sure what that will look like yet, but expect it to include more rides outside, back-to-back 50's, and a couple of 100 mile rides for fun. (I found out that the blood that I donated had a cholesterol level of 171-down 8 from my last donation in Nov. :-)

Not sure what the pearls of wisdom are to pull from my training today: just periods of head-down eyes-closed focused effort to just go another 30 seconds, another 10, another 5, ... OK rest ... or pushing for just 1 more repetition. It was mostly a time of work and discipline. With most of my enjoyment coming in spurts after each little extra effort and lastly when I had finished. It wasn't a real hard work out, but on a day that I was enjoying just laying in bed, that could have very easily been a "dog day" - it was indeed a Good work out - today's best!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today: Another page in a growing book.

It was my intent to just publish this hand written report, but it's to hard to read (in part from the writing and in part from the size of the photo). So, I will type the contents of the letter here. Letter follows:
"Today: (or the 1st 2 1/2 - 3 hrs of this day) The day started with what has become my normal Wed-Fri routine: up and to the gym by shortly after 5, run at least 3 1/4 miles, in the pool for at least 300 meters, sauna for 10, clean up and come home by 7. This morning i took my oldest to school after pulling my oatmeal (& barley & Millet & misc) off the heat to rest.
No real milestones or important single events so far: I avg'd ~ 8 m/mi pace, I mostly did breathing and balance drills in the pool, I forgot my towel ... all the makings for just a regular day.
Life is full of days like today. These days are the pages that make up the bulk of the content of the book of our lives. These are the days where character & perseverance grow deeper, so that on those cliff hanger days we are able to make & sustain right choices.
This entry is written (flawed because I can't correct it) on a simple piece of paper in the honor of the many days that are lived without any significant recognition.
My plan is still to do my best on this day!"

(To see my entry on giving blood yesterday, read: "You want me to give what...?!".)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Hour Tuesday...

So this morning it was 4:47 again, 7 minutes of the radio alarm before I came to.  Most of my stuff was ready as I knew last night time would be close this morning as I was aiming for a 2 hr ride on the trainer today. (photo - Yesterday afternoon my replacement resistance unit for my trainer arrived ... so I installed it last night - and I had no problems with it this morning - YES!!.) I watched "The Incredibles" (we've seen it many times, but it's become a family classic - much like "Whinne the Pooh" used to be) during the majority of the ride, but the last 15 minutes were spent on some tempo training - my least favorite training. I would much rather do sprints or intervals over the difficulty of slightly lower intensity for much longer. I wasn't wearing my HRM, so I used cadence as my measurement.  Starting at 100, then 105, 110, 115 and ended with a short sprint at the end of 130+.  It was good and I was mindful of giving my best. My daughter came out just before 7 and 'watched' and we talked a little - as much as I could talk while sweating, head down, just trying to make it the 15 minutes. She stayed with me until I was done and we walked in together. I don't know what she thinks, but I hope she is proud of her Dad.

This is my 7th week of getting up by or before 5 AM.  It's nice to have the time each day to be alone, exercise, think, pray, listen .. it's become a routine that I like. It's also a routine to check my Oxygen and Pulse when I go to bed and before I get out of bed: last night it was 96% -48 HR
 and this morning it was 95% - 53 HR. One other routine is I like to have a post work out  meal - this morning it came from my Vita-Mix: soy milk, water, whey protein powder, spinach, banana, crasins, plain yogurt, blueberries, carrots, olive oil, flax seed, peanut butter and ice. It's been kind of funny to me to see how as the day turns to evening, I start thinking about how 'early' I can get to bed ...  last night it was about 8:30 after the youngest two were in bed and I was thinking how nice it will be to be in bed soon and sleeping by 9:30!  But, as things normally go .. it was after 10.  

I got an interesting call last week and as a result I'm hoping to get out at lunch today to give blood.  I did it for the first time 3 months ago. It was good to know my blood type. Well last week I got a call from them - saying the could use some more of 'my' blood!  That was a first, I didn't know they called and requested blood - we get solicitations, but never for our blood!  :-) But I have a type that is in low supply and high demand.  So, it's kind of neat to be able to 'give' my blood to others; to think that others lives are dependant on getting blood, it's a sobering thought. I have a healthy body that makes blood that is in demand - I think I should be giving some of it away!  How about you, what should you be giving away: time, money, blood, ...??

Monday, February 16, 2009

Following the 'Chart' or giving my Best ...?

One might think that having been on this early morning routine for over a month now, it would be almost an autopilot activity, but Sunday nights and Monday mornings usually are not.  Last night and this morning were no exception; what I continue to learn is that even regular disciplines still require discipline.

I know that I have to get all my clothes and gear ready the night before, so that in the morning when I get up I just have to get dressed, make a water bottle and carry the rest of my gear to the garage (it's important that I do the mental work the night before as the brain is a few steps behind in the wee hours of first getting up).  This morning I forgot to put my HRM with my stuff and had to come back in to retrieve it. Last evening I put my bike back on the trainer - after taking the trainer apart in hopes that a good cleaning would return it to it's 'new' working condition.  

As I reflect on it - there is a fair bit of work and time required just to be able to start the exercise Monday morning. All the work and busyness can get the focus off of the exercise and on the preparation or even just on completing the 'time' of exercise with out giving proper thought to the 'quality' of that time. This morning on the bike it was a struggle to work very hard - the excuses were plentiful, but thankfully they were identified as just excuses. For me it was a struggle to 'give my best' - which is what I want most, even more than obedience to my training schedule.  So I put in the 60 minutes on the bike (obedience to the schedule), but more importantly a portion of that time was wanting to not just complete the time but push hard and give some of my best effort. That was good and appropriate. Not only is intensity required for improvement physically in our activities, but it seems to be required mentally as well - to push ourselves to give 100% taxes so much more than our physical bodies, it gets into the core of who we really are and even want to be.  

So this morning on the bike in the garage, listening to the audio book "Walking with God" by John Eldredge, it was a good time of deeper personal thought and reflection.  I do enjoy exercising, but I don't want to exercise for only the sake of exercise.  For me I want it to be an offering to my God - an expression of who I am.  I want to give my best.  Like David said about not offering anything to God that cost him nothing; or how he danced before God with all his might and strength - so to I desire that my exercise be a pleasing offering and sacrifice to God.  Not an end to itself, 
but a part of a whole life desiring to be pleasing to God.

After my time on the bike this morning I was able to get in my new reduced weight routine.  With the quantity of time much reduced it was nice to have a renewed focus and intensity for that time of sacrificing, of giving my best ...
Much of my thoughts this morning were on the 6 day ride and even bigger, on the purpose of it and our role as riders 
- as those going before, in a very real sense preparing the way. It is costing me something already: time, energy, money, commitment, perseverance, sacrifice, ... much like it will cost those of the DRC who follow.  It's a worthy task.

So I started and will now end this posting with a picture of a flower and a thought: don't be so distracted or upset by what isn't - that you miss what is.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

7 Challenges in one ride

I normally like to get my ride in first thing in the morning - but today that was not possible.  This morning was our first pine wood derby (his is the yellow #17), so my youngest son and I went and  had a great time.  He won 1st place in his den and had a couple of 2nd and 3rd place finishes against the whole pack.

It ended up being a little after 2 PM (challenge#1) before I was finally on my bike and heading out for what I was hoping would be a 60 mile ride - hoped..., but with the late start I wasn't sure I would have enough time.  When I left it was sunny, with a cool/cold wind from the NNW.  I figured my light biking over shirt and my regular biking gloves would be fine to keep my warm (#2).  Riding down my street my hands were cold, but I figured I'd warm up and it wouldn't be a problem (#3) - I should have went back and got my warmer gloves as my hands never did get warm enough.  The ride out to my turnaround point went pretty well, other than still being cold.  I was going south and enjoyed the benefit of the wind to my back.  I was just over an hour for the little over 20 miles so I sat down briefly and ate an orange and part of a granola / nut bar at what is becoming a regular grassy stop for me.
With in 5 minutes I was back on my bike and heading into a stronger wind and the wind (and I) was even colder now (#4). Ten miles further and I was just wanting to finish the ride with out adding the extra mileage at the end.  By the time I was 3 miles out, I had several numb parts on my body (#5), I was cold, tired and fatigued (#6).  My HR was low (under 120) and I just didn't want to push any harder (#7).  I was mostly struggling mentally, with a fair bit of physically discomfort too. Not one of my fun memorable rides. The ride back I averaged ~13 mph ... much slower than my target and usual 18 mph.

I did learn a few things: keeping my hands warm is important for me, riding the return leg into the wind is very challenging for me and I do much better when I ride first thing in the morning - when I'm fresh. I am thankful that I had no problems with my bike, cars, animals or things on the roads! I always take my cell phone, but am very thankful when I don't need it.  I have one rear "Bike Planet" super flasher light that I like VERY MUCH as it is very bright and has a very catchy flash pattern that is visible from a long distance away. It's a bike safety feature that is worth the cost - and I'm considering adding a second as it was a bit gray this afternoon and there were a half dozen cars that tried to share more of my lane than I would have liked.  Two 'Blinkies' has got to be better than just one ...

I don't have my chart in front of me, but I think my mileage for this week was ~150.  I'm still ramping up time on the trainer and time out doors - this week was split at about 4 hrs each.  My long rides aren't where I was hoping they'd be by now, but that's just the way it is. One can't live the 'chart', one has to live their life!  Next weekend I'm hoping to get a 3 1/2 to 4 hr ride in.  (The 6 day 600 mile ride is getting closer and closer ... see the "Going the Distance" link in the side bar for more information on this up coming ride / challenge.)

It's late and I'm tired ... that's all for this week.  I'm looking forward to a full day of rest tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday ... all three activities before lunch

Ahhh .. lunch time finally ... mmmmm .. it's going to be a goooood salad!

Today was running on the treadmill (saw 183 MHR - ~4 miles) and anti-drowning drills in the pool (~30 minutes; I can't really call it swimming yet).  Then during lunch it was a ride (~24 miles) with 3 friends into a stiff Westerly wind on the out trip and the back trip was much easier.  Tomorrow's goal is ~60 miles by my self.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a Sunrise

On my way in from the garage this morning, my first glimpses of light came from the spectacular sunrise ... it was beautiful!  (Tomorrow I am planning on riding at lunch with my friends and with such a great sunrise I wish I had time to ride at lunch today too.)

This is my first week of a different routine: adding a 2 hr ride in the morning, adding two mornings of running and swimming and pulling back on the weights to make room for the additions.  So today I rode my bike on the trainer for 61 minutes, then did a new routine with the weights.  What I used to do over two days and twice a week - is now squished down into ~ 30 minutes (and only once this week - hopefully twice next week).  The weights are definitely in a maintenance mode now as I add the additional time and effort of running and swimming (or more accurately trying not to drown).  I could feel my hamstrings yesterday after the time on the treadmill... today I can feel a little soreness from the weights, but mostly it's an easy - recovery day.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Running and swimming

4:47 ... the radio has been going for 7 minutes, the last few I've been aware of. It's off to the gym for some time on the treadmill, in the pool (trying to learn to swim) and a few minutes in the sauna.

The running wasn't so bad: I like 12 mph treadmills as it's fun to run something like 1/8 to 1/4 mile intervals. When I say fun I don't me 'fun', I mean there is no way I could make myself do it any other way (being forced to keep up or fall down or off the end of the treadmill). I saw a few heart rates (HR) that I've not seen while running for some time .. 182 is what I remember just before pressing the red button.

The time in the pool was doing balancing drills: learning to balance myself in the water; face down and face up. I also did some swimming, but not to much. After a single distance of 25 meters I would take a short rest before returning the next length doing the balancing drills. It's a slow process, but I'm hopeful that 9 more visits will be enough to see me through the 300 meters of the upcoming Tri.

That's the extent of my planned exercise for today .. not to hard of a day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is my first posting, but the middle of my story. Rather than giving that back filling now, I will trust that it will come out and I'll just start with a 'training' entry for today.

Today started early, as has become my normal routine for the last 5 weeks. This is the first week that I've added a two hour 'ride' in the garage on the trainer first thing in the morning. (This is the first step to add some more distance to my routine in preparation for the 6 day 600 mile ride <> coming up in May. My weekly cycle total is 'charted' to be at ~150 this week. About 4 hrs on the trainer and about 80 miles outside.) My trainer in the garage <> has recently started changing the resistance while I'm riding, much like a random hill appears and takes my cadence down, way down, and then as quickly as it appeared it's gone and I'm going down the backside of that mystery hill. A phone call to the manufacturer and I'm now aware of a problem in the batch that my unit is in and a new one will be sent out as soon as they are manufactured .. very good customer service and support! Even having gotten a unit that was flawed, I am still very pleased with the unit (when it was working properly) and with the company.

Tomorrow is my second day of training for my first Tri. So rather than ride, I'll be running and swimming in the morning. The running isn't so bad - I like to run. It used to be my first choice, but now I've grown to enjoy and participate in cycling more. But the swimming, well, I'm more like a barge in the water rather than a sail boat. Tomorrow will be my first day of doing some drills to learn how to float right - be balanced in the water (I'm kind of looking forward to the drills). I've got 32 days until the Tri. Ten more times in the water to get over my fears, breathing problems, sinking legs, poor stroke, ...

I guess this will end my first entry. Most of my friends and some family members too, think I'm a little out there with the amount of exercise that I enjoy doing. So, I'm trying to find a balance and to understand why I think God has made me this way. I know there are others who get up before 5 AM to get their exercise in so they can be with their families and have a job. I just don't seem to have many in my immediate circle of friends, so I tend to stick out.

Well early morning tomorrow comes early .. have to drive to the gym, run, swim and be home before 7. Should be another Great Day!
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