Training today was unexceptional - with the exception of actually training today...!

(I could have been sleeping like my dog.)
The alarm went off at 4:40 AM and I was awoken in that first minute (no 7 minute wake up period today). Rather than get up right a way, I knew I had some extra time (only 60 minute bike ride and ~30 minutes of weights) in the schedule, so I choose to "relax" and enjoy the warmth and quite for another 30 minutes..5:10, now time was short and my time with the weights would have to give up the difference. I started on the bike for an hour with a mixture of intense and light times. The intense times were periods (1-5 minutes) of high cadence (100-130+) and the light being easy recovery pedaling. When it was all said and done, the avg pace over the 60 minutes was 21.8 mph. (The replacement resistance unit in my trainer worked great again today-woo hoo!) After 60 minutes of riding and a few minutes to rest and change, I had about 20 minutes for weights. So, I just did my warm-ups followed by bench presses and pull-ups.
There are 23 more days until the Triathlon (Tri) and 79 days until the 6 Day Ride (Going the Distance). Tomorrow will be my 3rd Friday of run and swim before breakfast, and then a group ride at lunch. It is the midpoint of Fridays until the Tri event. Twenty five more days and I plan to be back to focusing on the Bike event: planning on dropping the running and swimming. Not exactly sure what that will look like yet, but expect it to include more rides outside, back-to-back 50's, and a couple of 100 mile rides for fun. (I found out that the blood that I donated had a cholesterol level of 171-down 8 from my last donation in Nov. :-)
Not sure what the pearls of wisdom are to pull from my training today: just periods of head-down eyes-closed focused effort to just go another 30 seconds, another 10, another 5, ... OK rest ... or pushing for just 1 more repetition. It was mostly a time of work and discipline. With most of my enjoyment coming in spurts after each little extra effort and lastly when I had finished. It wasn't a real hard work out, but on a day that I was enjoying just laying in bed, that could have very easily been a "dog day" - it was indeed a Good work out - today's best!
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