Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a Sunrise

On my way in from the garage this morning, my first glimpses of light came from the spectacular sunrise ... it was beautiful!  (Tomorrow I am planning on riding at lunch with my friends and with such a great sunrise I wish I had time to ride at lunch today too.)

This is my first week of a different routine: adding a 2 hr ride in the morning, adding two mornings of running and swimming and pulling back on the weights to make room for the additions.  So today I rode my bike on the trainer for 61 minutes, then did a new routine with the weights.  What I used to do over two days and twice a week - is now squished down into ~ 30 minutes (and only once this week - hopefully twice next week).  The weights are definitely in a maintenance mode now as I add the additional time and effort of running and swimming (or more accurately trying not to drown).  I could feel my hamstrings yesterday after the time on the treadmill... today I can feel a little soreness from the weights, but mostly it's an easy - recovery day.  


  1. It scares me that THAT is your recovery day! I'm still on my marathon training schedule. Fridays are long runs. 8 miles today!

    I really need to find access to some weights and machines for cross training on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but so far I've just been playing basketball and doing a core workout in my room.

    Thanks for sharing; it's always encouraging.


  2. Training for a Marathon, that was something I started once ... but never finished. Someday I'd like to run a marathon too. Have a Great 8 mile run today Wes!


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