Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 5 of no exercise...

My how the pendulum swings...from 4 days of riding over 100 miles each day to five days in a row with out any vigorous exercise. Yikes...

One of the ways the lack of exercise affects me is in my discipline with eating. Today was a poor day nutritionally as I had more than one serving of ice cream, snacked on bread much of the afternoon, didn't drink nearly enough water for the day, and over ate...I'll be feeling it tomorrow. I did have oatmeal for breakfast with two pieces of toast and jam. And I took the smoothie to work with me (orange, apple, pear, carrots, sweat potato, spinach, strawberries, protein powder, soy milk and ice). But my appetite has still been high, so I've been eating good and bad - meaning I'm eating my good foods and adding the bad as I am still hungry and lacking the will power. Adding the poor eating to my already lacking exercise and it affects my attitude: patience, stress level, ... etc. It's a loosing situation.

I have thought of other minor goals (a 5 hr century, my first marathon) for the future and others have suggested some too - including that I take a break and focus energy on other tasks. It's a busy time with the end of the school year and projects at home - so I'm trying to figure out how to have balance for me and others (read - 'my wife' (Hi Dear :-) ).

I'm trying to work through some of these issues as they strike to my core and I'm not sure why. Why do some people want to climb Mt Everest? Finish an iron man? Run in the Boston Marathon? Why do I need to have goals to pursue? And why do they need to continue to progress: requiring more time, effort and commitment? What am I escaping? ...?

Here is a fine example of food void of nutrition - to call it food is actually to much of a reach and instead lets just call it empty calories. But, none the less, I had some and bought it for my kids... .

Tomorrow I'm giving a talk to my youth group and any adults that show up on the subject of health and nutrition. I've done this a fair bit over the last couple years and am looking forward to it. I haven't done it enough to have a routine down, but each time is a little unique and requires individual preparation and review. For tomorrow there will need to be some 'shock and awe' as well as some support of why it's important. The Bible has much to say on it so I'm going there first. I also plan on having some examples of common foods that are eaten and how they score on the nutrition scale. It should be fun, but preparing is stressful for me.

Perhaps I will get up and go for a run tomorrow morning at first light - that will help my attitude and be good for me. For now, I need to get back to working on tomorrow's discussion.

Reminder for the Day: don't forget to read the labels on the foods that you buy - making sure that you look at the servings per container. It is shocking sometimes to see how small a serving is: part of the sneaky plan to have the nutritional information not be as descriptive as it really is. Don't be deceived.

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