Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday, another 40

I had the alarm set for 5 so I could use the weights in the garage before going into work this morning, but I was to tired. My second alarm was already set for 5:30, so I just turned off the first one and on the second one and went back to bed for a few more valuable minutes of rest. Even with a short nap yesterday after lunch and getting to bed by 10, I was still tired.

I would like to add a couple times with the weights this week, but not today. The wind was out of the NNW and blowing a fair bit (web said 18 mph, but I think it was more--especially when it was in my face). Our winds typically blow N or S and when I'm doing the South route I prefer it to be out of the S so that it's not in my face on the return leg. Tomorrow it's supposed to be out of the S and if I can get out on time it shouldn't be to strong.

The ride today was the same one I did all last week: the 40 mile route. It took just under 2 1/2 hours. The avg speed was just over 16 mph. The exceptional thing for today was just doing the ride with the wind. I'm starting to feel a little more stamina, but a little loss in my ability to sprint. Maybe a loss of some fast twitch muscle fibers for some slow twitch ones, due to the endurance training that I've been doing most recently. I will have to start adding some sprints to try to prevent further loss.

Tonight it's to bed early (by 9:30 I hope) so I can be rested for tomorrow. I can extend the 40 loop another 6 miles and would like to do that route tomorrow-especially if the winds are out of the S and light.

[The photo is from the dam, looking down one off the fingers of the lake to the bridge that I like to do my little time trial on.]

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