Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wed: Taxes are done!

Today was a normal routine in the morning getting into work around 6; taking my frozen smoothie from the night before and two pieces of Ezekiel bread with fruit spread and water.

Rather than doing my ride during lunch, I wanted to get our taxes finished so I worked on that instead. I then made a small simple salad and sandwich and went back to work for a couple hours to finish the day around 2:30. I then went home and got ready to head out on the ride. 

Today's weather was much more typical: strong winds. But they were out of the SE so I went ahead and did the 46 mile loop since I would have some component of the wind helping me on the return leg. I also rode later in the afternoon (starting just after 3 PM), so there were vehicles on the roads which added just a slight increase to the stress of sharing the road. With it being a little gray, and having the two effective blinky's on the back, there weren't any close calls. I will also take a lane when there are two available and a vehicle is coming up behind me and not moving over. Rather than hugging the curb and encouraging the vehicle to try to pass me in the same lane, I will move over a couple of feet (just shy of the middle) to make is so that there isn't any room in 'my' lane. This seems to be an effective means of keeping space between us. I have a mirror on my helmet and use it very frequently (every 10 seconds??). I think it's one of the most effective safety devices I use--besides the blinky lights.

The numbers are: 2:36 for 46.2 miles = 17.7 avg, top speed of 44.5 (down hill), avg cadence 82, max cadence 131, HR avg 136, max 162. This is the end of day 3 of 6 for this week.

Just a short entry today as it's late (as usual) and I want to read and get to bed soon (I'm not getting enough sleep). Getting proper sleep is equally important in good training and health.

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