Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cow, slurpee...ride

Friday we (J., H. and I) put on cow spots and headed to Chick-fil-A for a free entree. Once a year you can dress up like a cow and go for a free entree or meal. This year they required cow ears, nose, tail and spots from head to toe for the full meal. None the less - it was still nice to get a chicken sandwich and the kids got chicken nuggets and chicken tenders.

Saturday: my wife and youngest daughter came home from camp. It was nice to have them home again. It was July 11th, 7/11 ... go to Seven Eleven and you get a 7.11 oz slurpee for free. So, no dress up required and we headed there Saturday evening with a car full. We were trying the various flavors and then hanging out in the parking lot drinking them - to save a spill in "Mom's" car. We found out that our granddaughter doesn't care for them! :-)

I was able to get out for a ride Sat morning: 46 miles, 2:24:16 ride time, 2:28 ttl time, avg speed 19.1 mph, (TT over bridge 30.5, 1:02, .52 miles). It was a good ride. I rode with the avg speed visible which helped me push a little more than normal when I ride by myself. I'd like to see the avg on that route get up to 20 - but that is just a goal or hope at this point.

No real goals other than the Waco century ride in Sept - with the hope of some training before it and trying for a 5 hr or less ride (avg 20+ mph). I've never done that before and it would be fun to try to do.

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