This morning was an early start: leaving the house just after 6 AM to get to Dave's by 6:30. We rode about 44.7 miles on farm and country roads. It was much less traffic than I normally deal with.

The proof of this is: I ride with twin blinky lights so I can be seen by the cars passing me. Dave usually rides with a spray bottle of bleach and jalapeno juice to deter fast hungry dogs. Now I've been chased by dogs and it is my least favorite thing - way to stress full. I've changed my route on rides when up a head there is an animal charging already in the street with a deep
"Woooffhh" as it charges my direction in almost a long distance game of
Chicken - of which I am and will usually turn around and head the other way. I've meet too many cyclists that have tangled with dogs and gone down and end up with broken collar bones or road rash as a minimum. Thankfully there were no dogs today - usually there are two on the route we did.

We didn't try to kill ourselves with a fast pace, but rather enjoyed the ride and talked most of the time. We stopped at the
glider airport but it was too early for activity there. With the winds as they were, I'm sure it will busy there later. I'd like to go back there and maybe investigate getting my soaring licence (
something I've wanted to do since I was a kid watching them in the summer in Hemet CA.) Who knows...?! :-)
Later today will be the local fireworks show after a big BBQ and social time. I'll post some of my favorite fire works shots tomorrow.
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