Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please pray

Please pray for my friend Rob who is having surgery this morning to remove the racquetball sized meningioma that is positioned over his sinuses and centered between the halves of his brain. The following comment is what he said to answer the question: What is a meningioma?

"The MRI of my brain was very educational this week. I learned the following things about meningiomas:

- They are NOT brain tumors, but rather tumors that grow from the meninges of the brain. The meninges cover the brain in a protective wrapping.

- They are benign and are very slow growing. As such, they can grow quite large before they are detected. Mine is considered on the large side, and only detected due to losing the sense of smell and some visual problems combined.

- If small they can be treated by radiation. But mine is large enough and still growing such that it needs to be surgically removed.

- In my case, the tumor is about the size of a racquetball and positioned over sinuses and centered between halves of the brain.

My surgery to remove the tumor is scheduled for Tuesday morning, July 28. If all goes well I may be discharged to come home in just a few days, perhaps Friday or Saturday. Our prayer is that it all goes well and my recovery would be uneventful and complete."

1 comment:

  1. Rob's made it out of surgery and is in ICU now. The report is that it went as expected.


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