Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Consumed by food...?

I ended my juice fast today a lunch by making a salad (spinach, broccoli, carrot, sweet potato, crasin, red pepper, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and 5 raw cloves of garlic) and shared it with my wife. It's important to end a fast and start eating again with easily digestible foods vs foods like animal products. It was 3 1/2 days and it served its purpose. 

It's always surprising to me how nice it is during a fast to not think or worry about food: what to eat, when, etc ... I did some refresher reading on different juices and other sources of health and nutrition information. Last year I was pretty consistent in regular fasting; and this juice fast has reminded me and encouraged me to get consistent again. And not always juice fasts, but water fasts too. 

So, with reluctance, I'll share some of the benefits of fasting for me: It's healthy for my body as evidenced in many ways, it's good for me mentally to have to struggle with my body and break the 'need' for eating, spiritually I have more time for reflection and seeking God. There are many many more reasons that support regular fasts, but I don't want to be that personal in a public forum. (I will be glad to talk with anyone personally about fasting if you would like.)

Now that "I'm allowed" to eat again, I want to be careful to not get consumed again in my thoughts. I want to continue to feel hunger and not eat to feel "full", or to feel "better". It's no surprise to read in the Bible of people who's god is their stomach (Philippians 3:19).

When was the last time you fasted? And when should you fast next (first)?

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